Do you mind shifting?

As the car sped off towards the Miller house, the two drunkards sat on the back seat very quietly. Isa once again leaned on Jacob's arm and Jacob as per his habbit, was holding Isa's hand protectively.

They both did not speak a single word too each other. It was probably beacause they were extremely drunk and tired or maybe they just wanted to feel the silent moment, after so much of madness.

Suddenly, Isa straightened her back and started fanning herself with her hands. "I...I...don't feel so good! This speeding car is making me so damn pukish! I might just puke!!!" 

"Ohh!!! Do you want the car to stop? Should we go to a doctor?" Jacob patted the girl's back softly. His one hand were now patting her naked back, sending shivers down his spine, while his other hand was holding her arm.

"Nooo!!! I want to go home and lie down as soon as possible!" Isa groaned in discomfort and suddenly bent down and rested her head on Jacob's lap and closed her eyes.