Just Friends?

Jacob glanced the girl from head to toe for a few more seconds, untill the girl realised that he was standing on the thresh-hold of the bathroom. 

He was now dressed in his knee length athletic shorts, and Isa could not help but look at his strong legs. Just how many hours do you work out, to look so hot? 

Jacob walked towards the girl, smiling at her. "Feeling better?" 

"Yeah! A lot better! But my stomach is hurting a lot, and also my waist!" Isa looked up at the boy.

Jacob looked at the girl's face in awe. All the makeup had been removed now and she looked even more gorgeous than before. Her skin was indeed glowing and now also flushing, under the effect of lukewarm water.

 "Ohk! Let's quickly get you out of here then!" Jacob quickly took out a small amount of his regular shampoo in his hand and then looked at the girl's long hair.