The ex-girlfriend..

Jacob was silently eating his poridge and Isa was glaring at the boy every now and then, still frustrated. She was so angry that she was bitting the bread as if murdering it, with her teeth. She looked casually at the flat television screen and looked at it in surprise.

"Look Jacob!! It's you!! On screen!!" She quickly got up and increased the volume of the television.

"Ooohh!!! I look hot and attractive!! Isn't it Isa?" Jacob smirked teasingly.

"Shut up and let me listen!! You have no idea, how badly I wanted to be there with you in your office and see all this in front of my eyes!" Isa waved her hand at Jacob to shut his mouth, while she listened to the Jacob on television.

"Really?" Jacob smirked but Isa did not bother to reply.

Isa was looking so excitedly at the screen forgetting her food that Jacob could not help feel jealous of his own image, appearing on the screen.