His transformation..

The two walked hand in hand, as the secretary walked ahead of them, showing them the path to the auditorium. 

Soon they entered a long well carpeted corridor and the secretary opened the door for them, happily. "They are waiting for you sir and mam!" 

Jacob and Isa walked hand in hand, squeezing each other's hands tightly. As soon they entered the hall, there were hundreds of people sitting in the auditorium who then immediately stood up looking at the two of them.

Isa smiled and nodded leaving the boy's hand. While the secretary ushered the girl, towards a seat in front, Jacob climbed the stairs of the stage smiling at everybody.

"Good morning! Please have your seats everbody! Thank you!" Jacob smiled, suddenly transforming himself into an elegant tycoon.

"Good morning sir!" The people replied and sat down, looking at the boy happily. They are were excited to hear what their new boss had to say, after yesterday's amazing address!