Beautiful..beautiful angel

Jacob had yet applied the breaks and was taking deap breaths, smiling happily looking at the road. "Gosh! I am in love!!! I am actually in love with Isa!" 

Jacob pressed the accelerator again, speeding the car towards his home. He had switched on the music loudly and was singing his favourite song. He had pulled down the glass of his side of the window, feeling the fresh wind, playing with his hair and caressing his cheeks. He was happy today and thankful to God! He did not know, what his future will hold for him, but this feeling of falling in love was amazing and heavenly!! 

He turned on the volume of the music system and started singing the lyrics side by side.


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel.....

Love your imperfections every angle....

Tomorrow comes and goes before you know...

So I just had to let you know.....

The way that Gucci look on you, amazing!!