
Jacob quickly changed into his casual tee shirt and shorts, after taking a quick shower and climbed down the stairs, towards the dinning room, feeling extremely famished. The aromatic dinner was already laid on the table and Jacob quickly sat down on a dinning chair and checked his phone casually.

"Holy shit!! I forgot the girl had called me!! Three missed calls already!" Jacob's eyes popped open and he quickly dialled the girl's number, grinning ear to ear. While he was serving the stir fried vegtables on his plate with his other hand. 

"Jacob Miller!! You got me worried!! Where the hell were you!!?" Isa shouted at the top of her lungs over the speaker, soon after picking the call.

Jacob frowned listening to the girl's shrill voice. "I am sorry Isa! I was driving and my phone was on the silent mode. I just came out of the shower and just now checked my phone!!" Jacob took a bite of the healthy and delicious vegeatables.