The written destiny...

Emily was reading the reports, when their was a knock on the door. Isa had this time, knocked on the door, doubting if the physical check up was in the same room. She was dressed in the same hospital gown and her cap was almost falling till her eyes. Her face was covered too, with the breathable mask, making her feel extremely uncomfortable. 

"Come in !" Emily spoke up, still reading Sarah's reports. "Is it you Sarah?" Emily spoke in a muffed voice, from under the mask.

Isa stepped inside clumsily, almost about to trip again. She walked inside and waved looking at Emily, not heard of Emily's earlier question.

"Oh! So you are here! Are you ok?" Emily asked, this time in a more professional way, taking the girl to be Sarah, looking at her wave. It was normel for her to see pateints talk in sign language, after wearing the uncomfortable masks on their faces.

Isa nodded in a yes.