Ensnared - Part 1

What a way to start my Tuesday morning.

As usual, these two idiots are arguing over something completely mundane. Their voices are the loudest and most obnoxious in the room by a large margin, which is a huge pain for someone like me who appreciates the joy of napping during school hours.

Oh whatever, it's not like I have anything better to do. I may as well join them for a bit.

"What are you guys rambling on about so early in the morning?"

At my words, Sig turns toward me with an annoyed look on his face.

"I was just trying to explain to this idiot that-"

"Shh! Let me handle this."

Nick interrupts him with a sly smirk.

I have absolutely no idea what's going on, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious after seeing that.

"… Okay. What're you two on about then, Nick?"

He smirks then shoves the screen of his phone into my face.

"What do you think of this image?"

On the screen is an anime-styled drawing of a girl with braided pink hair. She's wearing a rather revealing school uniform that shows off her stomach and thighs, while the rest of her legs are wrapped up in what appear to be knee-high socks.

I'm… not quite sure what I'm supposed to be seeing here. Is this how anime fans indoctrinate newcomers?

"Uh, yeah… She's cute I guess…"

As I brush the phone aside to give them the answer, I could see traces of an evil grin forming on both of their faces.

"Ahhh, did you hear that Sig? Did you hear that?"

"Loud and clear my good friend. He really said it."

Huh? Was that the wrong answer? Seriously?

"Chase, you do know…"

"That's a guy, right?"

"… Huh?"

Huh? Huh?

What are these two saying?

A guy?

"Haaa, poor Chase. He found himself attracted to another male without even realizing it. Don't worry, the religion of otokonoko is always welcoming to new followers."

Wait. What on earth are these two trying to imply right now?

"Uhm, no matter how you look at it, that's a girl. Are you two feeling okay?"

"Oh Chase, Chase, Chase. Just give it up. You're free to look it up if you wish, his name's Astolfo and he is one hundred percent male. Really, how embarrassed do you have to be to fall that much into denial?"

"No, that's not…"

Actually, you know what? This is kind of pointless.

"Sure, you got me. That was pretty gay of me guys, haha."

"Don't worry Chase, it isn't gay if it's a trap."

"Dude quit saying that. It's a guy so of course it's gay. Just admit it. There's nothing wrong with being gay."

"Dude I'm not gay, okay? I just happen to like guys who look like girls."

Oh merciful father please get me out of this room right now.

"Yeah yeah, that's how it always starts, Sig. It's not gay at first because it looks like a girl and you think it's one too. But it's already too late by the time you realize it. "

Nick springs out of his seat and drops his foot onto the desk to strike a heroic pose.

""At first, I was disgusted that a guy would trick me like that! The thought of accidentally laying with a man because he was dressed in women's clothes made me uneasy. But eventually I realized it. I wasn't uneasy because I hated the idea, it's because deep down, I didn't want to admit to liking it! The truth is, girl's clothes are not made for girls. They're made for the feminine men brave enough to wear them! Traps aren't gay? Don't be ridiculous! They're gay! They're gay and that's okay, because it's way deeper than that! Traps are the future of human sexuality!""

Ehhhh?! Seriously?!

Were these two really having this debate at that volume for the past ten minutes?

Ahahaha, my high school career really has been over for a while, hasn't it? Geez, I'm just glad none of Scarlet's closer friends are in this class.

Speaking of which, she should be here by now. I've been taking a few peeks at her seat and it's been empty the entire time.

Is she late? That's rather unusual.

I turn back towards the door out of curiosity.

Or at least, the direction of the door.

Because the moment I turn around, I'm confronted by the face of one of the most popular girls in freshman year, mere inches away from mine.


I flinched almost reactively.

Why was she squatting right next to my desk like that?

"Well, that was rude. You should be happy to see your girlfriend first thing in your morning. It's not like a geek like you will ever get one this cute again."

Ahaha, starting off the morning on a good note, are we?

"What the hell do you want?"

"Help me with out with our algebra home-work."

"Algebra? That's like our fifth period. Just do it during class."

"During class?! Are you an idiot? Why would I miss out on taking notes over something like that?!"

"Should have done it at home then."

She sighs.

"How much do I have to pay you?"

"I'm not taking any bribes."


"Hell no."



"A hug?"

"What am I, a care bear?"

"How about a kiss then?"

"A kiss?"

"On the cheek."


"Gross! Loser! Pervert! Idiot!"

You're the gross one here! Who the hell offers a kiss for home-work anyway?

"Come on Chase. You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to help me out in times of need."

"Yeah? Sounds like a rather convenient relationship, doesn't it?"

"… Quit using those fancy words in normal conversations."

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry."

Anyway, those two have been quiet for a while now. Did the argument finally reach a conclusion?

I turn back to find the two of them sending me some kind of death glare for absolutely no reason.

Haha, right. I forgot about that.

"You must have a lot of nerve to flirt in front of us like that, Chase."


Sig spits in disgust onto a piece of paper in his hand then crumples it up.

"I think you two are being a tad overdramatic. She's just…"

Ah, actually this might work.

I turn back toward Scarlet.

"Hey, why don't you ask Nick to help you out? I think he's pretty good at algebra based on what I've seen."



They said it in unison. Complete unison.

Was it really that bad of an idea?

"I'm not going anywhere near that incel! Have you lost your mind?!"

"You really are forgetting the ways of the "Fated Ones", aren't you? Such a shame… You had so much potential."

Okay, I get it. They're completely different people. Worlds apart, even. It might just be impossible for them to get along.

But... I can't help but feel like they simply got off on the wrong foot.

Besides, if they do start getting along, then the whole girlfriend teasing might lighten up a bit.

"Sorry Scarlet. The truth is, I'm actually really bad at Algebra so you probably won't get a good grade from me."

"What, seriously? Gosh…"

She looks away and bites at the nail of her thumb, seeming to seriously reconsider things.

"And Nick, Sig. You guys both got to know both Chris' girlfriend, right? Surely you can do the same for me… please?"


"Hey man, you know we're just playing around right? We're your nakama."

"Speak for yourself. These thots can go fake-it-up in some other corner of the classroom for all I care."

Sig nudges Nick in the gut rather ferociously. I could almost see his eyes pop out.

"… But since you put it that way, I guess I could tolerate her for a while. I mean, what's the harm?"

"Haaa, thanks man. I owe you one."


And as he interjects with that phrase, he leans forward and shoves his phone into Scarlet's face, similarly to what he did with me mere moments ago.

"Tell me, what do you think about this image?"


Oh man. I'm glad those two can't see her face right now.

She looks absolutely revolted by what she's seeing right now.

"… She dresses like a skank."

"Ehehehe… Gets them everytime."

He pulls his phone back and the two begin chuckling to themselves.

"Sure, I'll help you out."

Scarlet looks visibly confused by the events that just unfolded before her.


"Apparently that's a guy. I don't really understand it either, but I don't…"

"What? No it's not. That was a girl."

Nick and Sig continue their condescending snickering.

"Haaaa, they just don't get it Sig."

"You can't blame them Nick, normie genes and pleb genes are one and the same after all."

"Oh my god, you're both so stupid!"


What's going on here?

She just yanked the phone from his hand as if it were completely natural.

"Hey! Give that back!"


She sets it down atop the table.

The picture of Astolfo is open for everyone to see.

"If she's a guy, then where's her adam's apple?"



Is she… Really going to debate this?


"Don't be ridiculous, it's a part of the art style. Not even most regular guys have adam's apples drawn in."

Sig comes in with a retort.

"Okay, what about her shoulders then? Guys have broader shoulders after they hit puberty. How come hers are so girly?"


"Don't worry Sig, I've got this one."

Nick clears his throat.

"It's the art style, of course. Guys can have girly shoulders if the artist wants them to. God, why can't you normies just appreciate art without questioning everything?"

Good lord. I can actually see her blood vessels visibly popping out of her forehead.

"… Then. Answer me this. Why. Are. Her. Hips. So. Curvy?"

The two pause for a moment, then glance nervously at one another.




The silence is almost palpable. The two seem completely defeated.

What kind of retort are they going to come up with for this one?

After a while, Nick finally decides to open his mouth.

"It's the ar-"


She chucks the phone outside the window.

"AHH, MY S9!"

Nick dashes almost reflexively the moment his phone is tossed out and jumps straight through the window.

Thankfully we're on the first floor and the ground outside is fairly soft. Unless he's really unlucky he shouldn't have to worry about anything.

"Dude that was not cool!"

Sig rushes after him to make sure everything's okay.

"What the hell was that all about?"

Before I could turn to properly face her, Scarlet grabs my shoulders and looks me dead in the eye.

"Take a hint Chase, I don't care about the home-work. We need to talk in private about something important!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

And seriously? Does everything have to be so unnecessarily complicated with you?

"Haaa, it's already too late. We'll talk about it another time, class is starting up soon."

"Oh, sure…"

With that said, her earlier tension slowly deflates and she makes her way to her seat.

I don't know what she means by something terrible, but I can only hope it has nothing to do with that look Jennifer sent my way yesterday.

I don't think I can deal with whatever that girl has in store for me.