Ensnared - Part 6


The sound of the door being unlocked stops me from dozing off again.

It took me by complete surprise.

It's not that I haven't been expecting anyone, I just assumed that the key in my possession was the only one able to unlock that door.

Once the door had finally opened, the person who emerges from the outside is none other than the president of the SF club, Chris Frederick.

His wavy hair stands out as classy in the way it usually does, almost serving to distract you from the fact that he's wearing a comparatively dorky pair of glasses. He's not especially solidly built, but he's not exactly lanky either. Though, it's pretty hard to tell since he always wears longer sleeves at school.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that he's got this "cool nerd" vibe going for him.

I wait for a moment to see if the other three are behind him, but it seems to not be the case.

"How'd you get in?"

"I got a spare key from the janitor."

Right, that's also a possibility.

I slump my head back down onto the desk I'm currently sitting at.

"So, what's up?"

"That's my line, man. Did end up skipping again? You're a real piece of work, aren't you?"

"Well yeah, but I had a different reason today."

"… Different reason?"

He's not stepping away from the door, even as he speaks to me.

"Just some petty freshman drama, nothing to concern yourself over."



I'll make it so those rumors and lies won't affect the club, so you don't need to worry about it.

He scratches the back of his head, seeming unconvinced.

"Haaa… Okay look Chase, I'm going to be honest with you here. If things are so bad for you that you're gonna hole yourself up in here all the time then maybe you should just drop the tough guy act and think about admitting that you need some help."


"Well not from me. I'm way too busy these days. Between Reyna, maintaining my G.P.A and coming up with activities for club, I'm not sure if I could always be there to talk to you. But I don't think just sitting in here alone and wallowing in self-pity will get you anywhere, man. You might think it's therapeutic but doing that won't change your situation."

Straight to the heart of it.

Chris hits the bull's-eye just after one exchange.

In a sense, it's almost as impressive as what Momo did, but he has the edge of having spoken to me for a few weeks already.

Still, it's not as simple as that.

"It just, I dunno… it feels so hopeless. Like, no matter what I do, things will always turn out the same. Isn't that feeling something I need time to get over…?"

Sig and Nick aside, the student body will never change their opinion of me. I'll always be trailer trash to them from today onward. I'll always be the manipulative kid who used those two to get with Scarlet and Momo. That's just how that stuff all works.

"But you haven't tried yet."


"Look buddy, I know how it feels. I get that kind of hopelessness probably better than a lot of kids at our school. But the thing you gotta understand is that feeling hopeless acts kind of like transition lenses. Just like how they darken your vision when you step under the sun, if you think about fixing a situation with a hopeless mindset, then your hopelessness will make your actions seem just about as helpful as actually giving up. But that doesn't mean what you're seeing is actually that bleak."

"Chris, I have tried before. This isn't the first time something like this has happened to me. Back in middle school it was the same. I got-"

I hold my tongue.

I got so emotional that I almost let everything out.


"Trying with a failing mindset isn't the same as helping yourself, Chase. It's not real, conscious effort if you do it that way. You're just trying for the sake of trying rather than for the sake of succeeding. That way, when you fail, you can blame the world and society and whatever else you can think of blaming on why things aren't going right. That's just how it works when you feel like that."


"Life is about going head first and seizing your own happiness, even when things look bleak. They may not work out, but it's better to believe that they will. Otherwise, you're just setting yourself up to be miserable for the rest of your life."

Chris looks down at his watch to check the time, then looks back over at me.

"Sorry Chase, I really wish I had the time to talk to you more about this, but Reyna and I are heading to the library in a bit so I need to jet."

"Huh? What about club?"

"Rain check. Nick and Sig said that something came up so they told me to cancel."



"Remember what I told you, though. We'll talk again tomorrow."

Chris turns back and steps halfway out of the door for a moment.

So they ended up not coming, huh…?

Does that mean… they've given up on me?

No, that's not true.

I refuse to accept it.

But if that's not the case, then what is?


This sucks…


I could just die right here.

"Hey Chase, apparently you've got a guest. A pretty cute one too."

A cute one, huh…?

A cute one…


Wait, could it be?



I raise my head up from the table.


"Like, way to make a girl feel unwelcomed. Geez."

Unfortunately, I'm wrong.

There's a different breed of popular standing in the doorway of the SF club.

That flowing, blonde hair was unmistakable, even within the darkness of this room.


This was the last person I expected to see walk in here.

"And like, what's with these curtains? I get that you and Momo were having a romantic getaway last time, but there's no reason to keep this place so pitch black all the time."

Dammit, so even she's misunderstanding now?

Even though Momo should've told her by now that it isn't true?

After shutting and locking the door behind her, Jennifer skips past me as if she owns the place and spreads the curtains open.

The room is a bit brighter now, but the heavy rain clouds–no, the mellowed out booming and crackling kind of makes it obvious that they're thunder clouds– do the room's lighting little justice.

"Ahh, that's better!"

But it seems like even that much was good enough for her.

"What do you want…?"

"Huuuuh? That's no way to treat your girlfriend's bestie. Aren't you being a bit mean?"

Judging by her tone, she doesn't seem to be particularly upset with me…

Actually, girlfriend?

I thought it was strange that Scarlet hadn't told Momo yet, but Jennifer too?

What is that girl thinking?

"Sorry, I've just been in a bad mood today, that's all. I'm sure you'd understand why."


She drags one of the nearby chairs and sits adjacent to me at the desk.

She folds her legs and leans forward at the desk, appearing to take a keen interest in my current state.

"So like, what happened yesterday between you and Momo? Did you two really hit it off behind Scarlet's back? Kinda messed up don't you think?"

I sigh.

This is so grating.

The fact that such a ridiculous rumor is currently floating around the school is pure bullshit. Actually, unlike the others, Jennifer saw the two of us together so she has a much better reason for suspecting that something actually happened. I suppose at the very least, I do owe her of all people an explanation.

"If you must know, Momo pissed off some senior who kept hitting on her and she asked me to accompany her here to keep her safe.

"Ahh, is that why Ryan asked where you two were? My bad my bad, I'm trying to become friends with members of the football team so I couldn't resist helping him out. If I'd known he was hitting on a girl three years younger than him then it would've been a different story."

Actually, come to think of it… Jennifer was the one who lead him here, wasn't she?

"Anyway, if that's all that happened between you and Momo then why haven't you fixed the misunderstanding yet? Should be easy enough, right?"

"For you, maybe."

This conversation is depressing.

I wouldn't expect someone like her who was born into this world loved by all to understand what it's like to be so hated by people this way.

But at my words, she only offers a playful grin.

"Mmm, maybe it would be easy for me."

Indeed, it would.

"But you know Chase, more than that, you should probably start by fixing your problems with Scarlet."

"H-huh? What do you mean?"

"Don't you 'huh' me. First you ignore her for a week and then you lock yourself alone in a room with one of her closest friends without her knowing? Of course she'd be pissed."


Come to think of it, yesterday she did seem upset that I was avoiding her last week. But all this time I thought that…

"I'm pretty sure she was avoiding me, though. I mean, if she doesn't say a word to me for an entire week, then…"

"Oh come onnnnn Chase, you're the guy! If you think something's wrong then you're the one who's supposed to be checking on her! If you don't get this stuff down soon then forget Scarlet, you won't last with any other woman on earth."

Huh? The guy's supposed to realize that there's a problem and then put in all the effort? Is that how it works?

"God, and here I thought you'd be such a good guy for her… Where's your confidence? You're a man, aren't you?"

She averts her gaze with a sigh.

"Geez, why did I even come here?"

And as she does, I find my own gaze completely distracted.


I blush and look away.

Goddammit, those two were right. I'm just a real sucker for her boobs, aren't I? I've been trying so hard not to look at them, but the moment she got distracted and looked away my eyes got sucked in like magnets.

I mean, how can you blame me though? It's hard not to look at her cleavage when she leans forward like that. In the first place, it's mind-boggling that a freshman with such a thin figure could have such beautiful, round…

I turn back to face her, but I find her eyes locked on me.

She's grinning at me.

Twirling a lock of her hair with a single finger while grinning.

Crap, she must've seen me ogling her…


"I'm going to have a hard time believing that nothing happened with Momo if you keep checking me out like that, Chase Masters."

So she saw me, huh?


"Oh relax, I'm just kidding. If anything, it's a compliment that I'll make sure to take to heart."

"… T-that so?"

I gulp and turn away.

Crap, my mind is really hazy right now. I'm probably blushing like crazy right now too.

I forgot what we were even talking about before this. All I can think about are her boobs.


I remember how much of my rationality I lost when I saw Momo's cleavage yesterday. I managed to control myself then, but Jennifer's are on a different level.

Those boobs…

Seriously, why are they so perfect?!

Her boobs…

Jennifers boobs…


I want to…

I want to see them.

I want to see her boobs!

No Chase, control yourself!

This is just the your stressed out brain trying to vent!

This is puberty!

It's all biological!

This isn't you!

Control yourself!

You're fine, you're fine.

It's all… –

"Wanna see them?"


My heart skips a beat.

My gaze immediately shifts back to her, and I find her blushing timidly while averting her own gaze.


"What do you mean 'huh'? A girl offers to remove her clothes for you and all you can say is 'huh'? Are you gay or something?"

Well no, but I mean… just like that?

Jennifer stands up from her seat and briskly walks towards me.

"W-wait! Wait wait wait!"

The suddenness of her movement causes me to spring out of my seat and backpedal swiftly.

This is way too sudden. What's she thinking? What's going on here?!

But before long, I bump into another chair and end up falling into its seat.

After my crash, she slows her walk while continuing towards me.

It's a confident stride that openly says how much control she knows she has over what's going on right now.

"Hey Chase, you're being kinda rude… Is my body really that weird?"

What the hell is she thinking?!

"No no no, they're amazing. I mean, it's amazing. But that isn't the problem here!"

"Then… what is it?"

She stops walking just as she reaches my body.

Actually, 'reaches' is a bit of an understatement.

Her legs are already standing stretched out above both of mine. As a matter of fact, her skirt is just a few inches away from my abdomen.

She's towers above me, staring down at my timid, nervous wreck of an expression with a gaze that could only be described as lustful.

"C-calm down Jennifer! You're not thinking straight!"



"You called her Momo, didn't you? That's why…"

She moves both of her hands down to the bottom of her shirt


and lifts it clean off of her upper body.


A sudden flash of lightning illuminates her body.

But in that brief moment, despite being hidden within the darkness of the room, I managed to see everything.

She tosses her shirt to the side, then slowly takes a seat on my lap.

"You should call me Jen…"

Her voice is suddenly much softer, much smoother than before. It's a cool breeze that tickles my eardrums with its sweet intonation.


I can't help but stare at her figure through the darkness.

I mean, there isn't a single imperfection in her upper body.

From her perfectly-toned stomach to her long, slender arms, it seems like this angelic body of hers was carefully sculpted for the sake of seducing high school boys. The way her hair, which was usually so well-kept, messily drooped over her feminine shoulders added this womanly charm to her visage that made her seem so much more mature than she normally did.

And to top it all off, her breasts look so damn amazing in that black bra of hers. It's almost looks like she's wearing a smaller size. They're practically bursting out. No wonder they looked so perfect from inside her shirt. The way they're squeezing in there is tempting me to…

Ahh, no good! My sanity is slipping away the longer I stare…

I need to hold on.

"T-then, Jen…"


"Why are you doing this?"


This time when she speaks, her cool breath caresses my lips.

She's already moved so close to me that I'm quickly losing my rationality. Furthermore, hearing her moan my name in such a girlish voice finally did me in.

I've become completely excited down there.

"It must be hard for you, right? Living in such an uncomfortable neighborhood."

She's talking about the rumors.

"Everyone may not understand what you're going through… but judging you without understanding is unfair, isn't it…?"


"That's why, Chase… I just want…"


She presses her forehead up against mine.


"I want to be there for you…"

Though her voice is soft, I can tell that deep down, she's practically screaming at me to go further with her. She's barely holding back while awaiting my consent.

"Please… I've done so much already, don't be a coward…"


Coward, huh?

Is that all it comes down to in the end…?

I mean, even when the most popular freshman girl at school throws her half naked body at me, I'm still like this.

Isn't that just… pathetic?

What reason do I have to not just do this right now?


Of course not.

Even if we happened to be dating for real, that's all in the past.

She's already broken up with me.

I have no ties. No reasons to hold back.

The 'Fated Ones'?

Who cares about that stuff?

They're the ones who abandoned me after I offered to explain.

I mean, look.

These are the boobs that I've fantasized about since entering Sunchester high.

The bosom of the most popular freshman girl, Jennifer Swift.

And she's the only one who's showed me even a hint of sympathy for the rumors that have been spread today.

Who am I to deny myself this euphoria?


And then suddenly, something clicks in my head.

I've come to a realization.

Ah, I see.

There's no reason to continue on as is then, is there?

"My bad, I'll do as I please then."

"Good boy…"

She whispers it after a short giggle, then moves in to press her chest against me.

With the way everything's been stacked against me, there was probably was no other possible outcome from the moment she stepped into this room.

As a man who has fallen so low, this is the only thing left for me to do.

The moment her breasts collide with my chest, I completely lose myself.

There's nothing I could do to stop it anymore.

On that day, Chase Masters gave in to his most basic desires.