Naïveté - Epilogue

"High school sure is treating you well, kid."

"Is that supposed to be a joke…?"

I slink into the bar stool and exhale loudly.

I've been done with my shift for quite a while so I took the opportunity to rest at our bar and grab a drink.

For the record, that drink is water.

It's currently 8pm.

This is when some of the friskier Smooters customers start showing up so my boss tries to get me out around this time. Unfortunately for him though, we're kinda empty today so I'm taking the opportunity to help myself at the bar.

These hours aren't exactly legal for a high school student to be working, but I can't be picky with how I get my money. Especially when this job was basically handed to me with no effort.

"Does it sound like a joke? I really do think you guys are going to look back fondly on these days after you graduate."


Sitting to my right is none other than Rachael. She's wearing the revealing tank top and shorts uniform that Smooters girls are expected to wear while on shift.

Since the place is empty, I decided to use the opportunity to talk to her about what's been going on with me these past few days.

"Hey Rachael, do you think Jennifer's right?"

"Right about what?"

"About male privilege."

"Mmmm… I think it doesn't matter whether she's right or not."

"It doesn't? I mean, she did make some good points…"

"Well, I agree that women have some catching up to do, but people who spend their time crying about inequality in this era of opportunity are just sore losers."

"Um… isn't that kinda rude?"

"Really? I'm a black woman in America. I know a thing or two about being an underrepresented minority. And despite that, I think I'm doing quite fine for myself despite my lack of 'privilege'. It's probably true that a white male might have things ten times easier than I do, but it's not like I can do anything to change that. All it means is that I have to work ten times harder to catch up. There's no point in thinking too hard about it. Life is all about working with the hand you've been dealt."

"But… what if you can change how things are? What if Jennifer does change things at Sunchester?"

"She won't."

Rachael takes a drink of her water.

"If there's one thing I can say for sure about fourth-wave feminists, it's that their radical attitudes piss everyone off. Even the normal people who happen to agree with them. Unless they learn how to properly communicate their ideas, they'll never bring any of the change they're so desperately yearning for."


She giggles.

"In any case, if she's going to be appealing to the girls in your class then why don't you try swaying the guys with your speech?"

"Are you kidding me? She's like… an honest to god 10/10. There's no way a guy would vote for me over her."

"Really? I think you could use her looks to your advantage.'

"Use her looks? How would I…"


Actually, there's a few things I could think of.

"Really, you need to stop treating politics like some kind of sacred ritual. Not a single real politicians does that. Your goal is to win. You should be thinking about manipulating people into voting for you, even if it means lying through your teeth."

Yeah, she's right. It's a bit hard to stomach, but she's absolutely right.

This could work.

"Thanks Rachael."

"Oh? Sounds like you've got something figured out."

"Well… I've been getting a lot of ideas these past few days for my speech, but I think your advice finally made everything else click. I know what I need to say now."

Scarlet told me to use my underdog status.

Nicholas told me to build a character and sway people using human emotions.

When you couple that with Rachael's advice about playing dirty and using my opponent against themselves…

Yeah. I've got it. This will definitely work.

"Oh, that's good. I'll take my repayment right now then."

"We both know I'm not exactly doing well on money right now…"

"Nope, not money. Tell me about the part of the story you left out.'

"The part I left out…?"

"With you and Jennifer in the SF clubroom."


There's no way I can say that.

I mean, it's so…



She smiles.


That's why I mentioned it to Chloe…

There's no way I can resist that smile.

I sigh.

"Only because it's you."

"Yaay. I'm excited!"

I take a deep breath, then I take a swig of my water.

That Tuesday afternoon.

What happened between myself and Jennifer.




On that day, Chase Masters gave in to his most basic desires.




Her body crashes against the carpeted floor.


I shielded her back from most of force using my hands, but we still crashed with a decent amount of force.

She winces in pain for a brief moment, but once she shakes it off, a grin quickly forms on her face.

Right now, I've got her pinned to the ground.

Though the room is dimly lit, but I can see enough.

Her voluptuous breasts are right before me.

Her gorgeous eyes.

Her shapely hips.


She moans my name, then wraps her arms around my neck.


She's an expert at this.

I'm completely filled with lust.

I want nothing more than to destroy her body right now.

To make her regret playing with a man's desires like this.


I move in closer.

She closes her eyes.

Preparing for the kiss.

She wants it too.

I can't imagine her not yearning for it as much as I am.

She must already be wet down there.

The excitement of having her prey fall for the bait must be exhilarating.

I wouldn't be surprised.

I move my lips up to hers.


Our lips touch?


I completely miss.

I take a turn past her soft lips…

And I whisper into her ears.




"I don't know what you're doing right now, and quite frankly, I don't care."

She opens her eyes in surprise, and I smile.

"I'm sorry, but… I don't want to do this with you."

It's the faintest whisper.

I must be intoxicated by the depraved atmosphere in the room.

I lift my head and stare back into her eyes.

She seems shocked.

The look of genuine confusion on her face was enough to make me hesitate when pulling away.

After all, it made me realize that while she was in fact Jennifer Swift, she was also just a normal girl.

A normal, beautiful girl.

We're only a few inches apart.

Her arms are still wrapped around my neck.

If I wanted to, I could have her perfect body all to myself.

But, there's no way that'll happen

After all…


Her face suddenly loses its previous vigor.

It seems she isn't too pleased by what I said to her.

She looks away.

"You're cruel, you know that?"

My vision isn't the best right now.

The faint light from the window only barely illuminates her body.

But even so, I can tell that she's probably scowling right now.

"That so…?"

"Haaa, this sucks. What am I going to tell Scarlet? That I tried to seduce her boyfriend and he rejected me? I was only trying to make him feel better…"

Seducing your friend's boyfriend a complete breach of trust, you know.



As if she'd just come to a realization, she quickly regains her previous lustful energy.

I still can't quite see very well.

What on earth is she up to…?



Before I could realize what was going on, she grabbed me by the wrist and placed my hand somewhere.


She moans.

Whatever this is, it's…


It's soft.

And round.

Ahaha, this feels nice…

For some reason, I feel like I could die of happiness right now.

And there's something stubby rubbing against my hand, too…



Wait a minute.

This is!!

I pull my hand away.

But… it's too late.


I freeze up.

She got me…

That was…

"Still not feeling up for it, Chasey?"

She grins.


Ahh, dammit…

She's won.

Having such an amazing sensation linger in the palm of my hand is enough.

The ultimate aftertaste.

Jennifer's boobs.

I want more.

I want to defile her.

I want to make her mine.



No, that's a lie…


I chuckle.



I can only chuckle.

It's amusing.

It's so amusing that I could die of laughter.

"What's so funny…?"

I take a moment to stop myself from going further.

And then…

"Sorry. I'm still not interested."


She sounds like she heard something impossible.

"You really are gay, aren't you?"

"Nah, it's just…"

"It's just… what?"

"I guess… this just isn't going to do it for me."

I raise my head.

"This won't fill the hole in my heart right now."

Nick and Sig.

My best friends.

The two of them cared so much for me.

And all I ended up doing was abandoning them.

That's just too sad…


She's silent.

Completely flabbergasted.

But that's fine.

I don't expect someone like her to understand.

To me, those two are everything I could ever want from friends.

They're funny, down to earth, and loyal to a fault.

So, to loyal, down to earth people like them, hearing all of these rumors from people other than me must have been painful.

I should have stayed there and explained it to them.

I should have been a better friend.

If I had, then maybe things wouldn't have gotten this bad.

"That really pisses me off, you know…"


"I really hate it when people apologize for nothing."

"Nah, it's not nothing."

I get off of her and stand up.

"I'm apologizing because I need you to leave. I'm closing up shop for the day."

"… Unbelievable."

She sounds angry.

I don't blame her.

For someone with her stature and confidence, getting rejected like that must feel unreal, especially when it's by someone like me.


If there's one thing I won't do, it's go back on the motto of the 'Fated Ones'.

The sacred mantra we've been uttering to one another since day one of our friendship.

If that motto is to hold true, then I can't let an untrustworthy person her seduce me.

Because that would be the end of everything.

On that day, Chase Masters gave in to his most basic desires.

His desire to be accepted by the people closest to him.

And so, he chose to obey they motto that his friends held so close to their hearts.

The motto they repeated time and time again.


Or, as it stands unabbreviated-

Trust No Thot.