Chapter 21

I still can not figure out the meanings behind those marks in the map and my head feels like it would explode if i think to much about it...

For now... let us just relax as we travel...

That was what i said 30 minutes ago but... I can't calm down at all! Ugh!!! I'm getting irritated to this Mr. 'R' ... Is he joking around with us???

Where is he right now anyway??? I haven't even seen him once and now... I'm starting to hate this person so much!

Well... He might really be a noble and is off doing some duties and paper works somewhere... Still! i would like it if he would make things more easier for us! Starting from making the marks in the map more easier to understand.

Ugh! I've never been this so pissed off from my entire life!

Are you a little child playing pirates???

Pirates... Harkeste, Marish, and me used to play like that in the past... I wonder if Harkeste is still sick... was Marish's corpse been returned to his kingdom and given a proper burial?...

We would always play pirates at a vacant room at the palace... searching for 'treasures' which was in fact some random furniture all around the palace then would get scolded by the empress afterwards... little did she know that the emperor was the one who was creating the map for us... Haha...

If we get tired of playing pirates... we would play hero afterwards... The butler was our guide those times... ahahaha...

The knights would play along with us and would act as the henchman of the demon king and we would save 'princesses' which was acted by the maids... The palace was colorful and fun back at those days...

Wait... the map created by the king... was quite similar to it... it was not the time when we were playing pirates but when we were playing heroes... the butler would give us map and instructions... It felt like real because he would even provide us information with what happened to the princess and would even write the first letter of the name for us to guess who it is...


If i remember correctly... the first letter indicates the name of the maid and the second one tells us who is holding the maids down...

But... no one in the list is having their name starting with the letter 'B'... could my deduction be wrong?...

Ugh... i feel tired with all the thinking... maybe i should really just sleep for now... //Yawn// I feel exhausted...

"She finally slept... pfft... her expressions earlier when she seems to be thinking really hard of something was really fun to watch ahahaha!-" Kaishin said as he look at my sleeping face...

"Shhh!..." Comil cut off his laugh for she doesn't want me to be woke up

Hours had passed and night already came... We stayed to the forest that we stayed before and the same thing happened for the next two days...

Kaishin and Comil had a show down in hunting for meat and Kaishin would always win of course... Fesil and i are together. Fesil would gather branches and help me with picking fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms.

Everytime that this happens, i just can't help but think that camping is really a fun activity to do with friends!

We would go fishing and stuffs... share some stories while the campfire burns...

Everyday...I learn new things about my comrades...

two days had passed since our travelling and we are getting near at the base in the cave where the brothers and sisters are staying...

It wad already night when we arrived at the cave and all the victims seems to be feeling more better back when Comil and Fesil found them at the church...

We were greeted by warm smiles and suprisement written on their face...

The supplies seemed to have arrived too...

We had a feast and a meeting afterwards...

"We would like to ask for help from you Val... We are going to scout a Baron and ask for support then check a mine. You would join us in this mission. You and Kaishin will go to a mine and check what's the matter in the mine. Comil and Fesil will be together with me to scout Baron Hiska." I explained to Val