Chapter 27

After many days of traveling, the day to part had finally come. Comil, Fesil and I are now heading for Baron Hiska while Kaishin and Val are going to the mine.

"May we all have a safe trip. May you guide us, Oh Lord! as we dive to danger. Give us light. Forever, we trust our fate to you. Amen." Val lead a prayer for all of us.

As we finish the prayer, we bid the other our farewell.

I wonder if there really is a God?... I'm too lost to believe in such stuffs... Many lives were lost because of me and even though I prayed to him many times, no matter how many times I begged and cried as I call out to his name; In the end, no one of the persons I was with, survived.

Back then when I was of a child, I've blamed myself because I thought that he never listened to my calls because I was such a naughty girl but, That's just too foolish and irresponsible reason for someone to make a blind eye and let people die.

Such a figure to humanity could crush hopes of many... Every night, I'm being hunted by the crying and screaming faces of my servants that all died for such a brat. A brat who would mess the duke mansion, A brat who would sneak during the night to get some sweets from the kitchen, a tomboy noble lady who would always do reckless things and worry all of them...

"Rigelle... just believe, have faith. I too, shall watch over you from here." A very familiar voice spoke to my head. It was a voice of someone dear to me. It is Marish's voice.

Haha...In the end, It's just me trying to blame someone because I was powerless and useless as I was protected by everyone to the cause of their life. This is just so pathetic... I am pathetic... I should be thankful that I'm still alive even now.

Now that i try to reflect to the past, I still remember everyone's final moments before I bid farewell to them forever. Everyone caressed my cheeks and told me not to cry for everything shall come to an end one day. They were so sure that everything will be restored in the future...

Now that the restored empire is slowly gonna crumble because of an unnoticeable crack on it. I shall move and do something this time!

"God, If ever you are there and listening to my voice, May you watch over us and help us do in what needs to be done... Forgive me for everything... You too, Marish... Watch over us." I murmured as I look toward the blue sky and I smile.

Just a few more days again after we separated from each other then, we shall arrive our own destinations and accomplish this fast. For now, all we could do is continue this journey.

(Back at the headquarters)

"The map is finally finished??? isn't that a wonderful news??? Many thanks!!" Aton said as he welcomes Elvy who came from a very long journey just to deliver the copy of the empire's map.

"Where is Lady Rige-...?" Elvy asked as she roll her eyes around all over the place.

"The gang went to do another scouting. They'll be back in a later date... You could just leave the map to us. You've came from a long journey just to bring the map here, would you like to stay and eat for the night?" Aton asked

"Uhh... I'll stay and wait for Lady Rij. As for the meantime, please let me help with everyone who is working hard right now." Elvy said as she looked with a straightforward eyes

And so, Elvy got a tour around by someone and learned some stuffs from everyone. She tried needlework, cooking, and many more. She was surprisingly just very good to everything that she does.

She also gained many favors from both men and women... Even the kids specially like how caring she is towards them.

From the very first day, almost every single men in the headquarters became her secret admirer. She was warmly welcome and loved from her first day.