Chapter 29

Back to where Kaishin and Val is, They are finally getting close towards the mine. A few more minutes and they are finally at the entrance of the mine. Val and Kaishin hid the carriage away and took some important weapons just in case.

"Val, I'll be getting the the pistols and bullets. You get the shotgun and some knives. Leave the grenades. It would be dangerous using grenades inside a mine cave. We can't have the mine collapsing." Kaishin said as they now grab the said weapons.

As they were just about to leave, Kaishin looked back at the weapons one more time and stared at his bow and arrows. It only took him a few seconds till he finally decided to take the bow and arrows with him.

The two are now heading inside the mine...

(Back to Us)

The boy turned his back to us and walked towards a portrait. From our back, guards started to gather once more and so, we turned away our gaze from the boy to focus on the enemies. Comil removed the pin from a grenade and throw it at the enemies.

All of the enemies that were bellow us, got thrown away by the shock. Organs and body parts were flying in the air, Blood was splattering everywhere. A drop landed in my face but, after witnessing it... I started getting scared for at that moment, it felt like I am slowly getting used to such scenery... I was getting scared of the change happening towards me... But I have no time to let it get to me. We have to focus at the mission.

"Fesil, Comil... Let's go." I said as we returned our gazes back to the little boy but to fin that he was already nowhere to be found anymore.

He disappeared right in front of the painting and so, we decided to follow the little boy. The painting had a weird structure that's why, I tried pressing it. When I pressed this certain spot, a hidden passage opened right in front of us.

"Lady Rigelle...Should we enter?" Fesil asked, worriedly

I took a gulp and closed my eyes and opened it too then, I look at them as I nodded.

"Yeah...Looks like we have to." I answered.

We went inside and it suddenly closed. A thick amount of mist came to welcome us and we almost fell down at the stairs for we were unable to see clearly through that mist. We walked down the stairs. It seemed like the stair we were walking down to could let us go on forever but, that was until we were able to spot on to a green light.

"The mist seems to be getting thicker as we get closer towards that green light." I said

In spite of all the bad feelings we are getting as we get closer and closer towards the green light, we tried our best to be composed. Even though the mist was getting thicker and thicker as we get closer earlier, It suddenly slowly disappears leaving only the green light alone.

"Th-this is..." I found ourselves surprised to witness something inhuman...

(Kaishin's POV)

This mine is strange, it looks like it was left untouched for like...months!... As we get inside deeper and deeper, We barely have lights to guide us except for the torches hanging on the walls. Slowly, the number of torches started to go down so we decided to take some torch from the wall to take it with us.

"Val, take out your gun just in case. I'll take out mine too." I said and we both took out our guns and had ourselves on guard.

A few more step forward and they heard footsteps from behind them. They turned their back and fired with the pistols. The enemies finally showed up themselves with guns on their hands. Their number was more than twenty... now, how are they supposed to fight against these many enemies present in front of them?

Kaishin pulled out his bow and arrows...

"Val, DUCK!" I said as I pull out ten arrows and fire it towards the enemy.two of them are injured while three are straightly dead.