Between angels and demons

"He is not a devil, but an angel".

Amber and Emely change their opinion about the devil child, Prince Austin is a handsome young man who inherits his mother's charm and aura.

The jaws of all the students who had welcomed Prince Austin fell, especially those who had spread rumors about how bad the devil child was.

"He is very handsome".

"All the rumors about him are false, I will kill the person who spreads the hoax".

"He is one of the wonders of the world, tall and dazzling, his cold aura seemed to bewitch anyone who saw it".

In her heart, Lizya confirmed what her friends said about Prince Asustin.

For a moment, Lizya could not look away from Prince Austin who only looked straight ahead because she had no interest in the people around her.

Feeling being glimpsed by Prince Austin, Lisya immediately lowered her head in shame and fear. Even so, Lizya kept trying to stand still in her place until Prince Austin walked past her.

I thought he had seen me so I was dead, so embarrassing and scary.

Lisya glanced at Prince Austin and Bella who were already in front of Mr. Laois and his wife who had been waiting for them all this time.

"Welcome to Nerline Bella my daughter, where is your husband?". Said Mr Laois' wife.

Bella smiled as she glanced at her father who was still silent and cold to her and Prince Austin, the two beloved men had nothing to greet each other but were silent and looked at each other, as if they were talking through their hearts.

"My husband went to fulfill the invitation of the King of England. Therefore, I was the only one who came to accompany Mother and Father's grandson, as I told you his name was Prince Austin".

Bella proudly introduced her son to her father and mother, this was the first time she was allowed to bring Prince Austin to Nerline which is the small town she always missed.

"You didn't invite Princess Amelia?" Asked her mother.

"She is busy preparing for her wedding, we will send bodyguards to pick up mother and father at her wedding later". Bella answered.

"Mother and Father will definitely come, then come on in!". Her mother said.

Bella and Prince Austin walked into Mr. Laois's house smiling happily.

Bella is very happy to be back in the house where she lived for almost 24 years.

After the nuclear family entered the house, all students and teachers left their respective positions.

Lizya was still curious about the fact that she saw nothing like the rumors she heard.

"You two go to the Dorms first, I'll want to talk to Miss Monica". Lisya said.

"What do you want to say?" Amber and Emely asked together out of curiosity.

"I'll tell you later". After that Lisya ran away from her two friends and she followed Miss Monica into her room.

"Lisya, what are you going to my room?". Monica asked when she saw Lisya standing in front of her, catching her breath due to fatigue while running after Miss Monica.

"Is it really the grandson of the owner of this school who came today?" asked Lisya.

Lisya is one of the girls who is famous for being smart in an all-girls school, because of her intelligence she can enter the most famous school in the city of Nerline.

The school, which is named the same as the name of the city, gives Lisya a full scholarship as an appreciation for her intelligence.

"Of course he is the principal's grandson, why do you ask again if you have seen it yourself?". Monica said while chuckling her waist.

"The rumor says that he is a descendant of the devil, we all think that he will be an ugly child or at least have long canines with bright red eyes, but what we saw was different. What do you think?". Lizya said with a confused expression.