Martial arts competitions

"Don't get your hopes up, because he and we are different, if you continue, you will likely be seriously injured". Said Emely who tried to remind Amber.

Hearing Emely's advice, Amber just looked down because she knew Emely's advice was for her good.

In order not to invite more questions, Lisya hid the Prince's jacket under her pillow.

The next day.

This morning Lisya looked tired and there were dark circles in her eyes, because last night she was restless and couldn't sleep, her mind was filled with what happened yesterday afternoon in the garden with Prince Austin.

"Why do I keep imagining Prince Austin, what's wrong with me?".

The sun showed her face in the morning, Lisya walked towards the garden beside the dormitory which is the most beautiful place in Nerline School.

Not far from that area there are green and wide rice fields, a small river whose water flows clear soothes the air that is very clean makes a restless heart calm.

"Very comfortable".

"Lisya, why are you still here, did you forget that the day is the schedule for the martial arts competition. Those who participated are Ricard seniors who you idolized from us who just came to this school, right?". Amber said while teasing Lisya.

Ricard is a very famous senior, not only among men but among women he is very popular. Because he has a calm face and is very friendly. Besides, he is very smart and is a martial arts athlete.

"Gosh, I forgot". Lisya said while patting her forehead.

"Luckily I reminded you. Alright, let's go now so as not to miss!".

Lisya nodded, after that she followed Amber towards the race building.

The Race Building.

That morning at 8:00 am to be precise, the martial arts competition started and all the girls and boys filled the place.

According to the regulations, the seats for men and women are still differentiated.

Lisya was shocked when she heard the screams of the girls when she saw Prince Austin walking into the area as the opponent of Ricard.

Prince Austin and Ricard look very charming under the costumes they wear. According to Austin's cool character, he wears a black costume while Ricard is red.

"It turns out that the opponent Ricard is Prince Austin, they look perfect standing in that area".

Lisya sat staring at Prince Austin without even blinking.

"They both are one of the wonders of the world, really?". Amber whispered, smiling with joy.

Lisya was not interested in discussing the two handsome boys that she couldn't possibly be with. Ricard is the son of the very famous Mayor Nerline. Meanwhile, Prince Austin comes from the most famous Kingdom in the City of Elythes which is a Modern country but still adheres to the royal system.

Compared to the size and advancement of the city of Elythes, the city of Nerline was simply a fly that was very easily destroyed.

Lisya nodded and remained calm, even though her heart was beating very fast when she saw Prince Austin.

"What's wrong with my feelings, my heart keeps beating and getting louder every time I see Prince Austin?".

"I want to hug both of them".

Lisya and Emely, who just arrived, gave Amber a cynical look.

"Amber, please keep your attitude. Now we are in public, not pleasant to the other to hear. You better watch it quietly!". Emely said.

"Yes". Amber immediately frowned because Emely was a person who was obeyed.

Lisya just smiled amused seeing Amber's annoyed expression who was scolded by Emely. Among them, Emely is the most mature even though they are the same age.

"Is his leg healed?".

Lisya felt anxious when she saw Prince Austin getting ready to start the fight with Ricard.

The bell rang as a sign that the first round of the match started, Prince Austin glared at the opponent in front of him like a hunter ready to catch his prey.

A few moments later.

Prince Austin and Ricard attacked each other by sending blow after blow.

Prince Austin always managed to dodge Ricard's attacks, but Ricard was not an easy opponent to beat.