An impromptu wedding!

"They will continue their studies, therefore after marriage they will stay in their respective dormitories until they graduate. You don't need to worry, I'll take care of everything". Mr. Jhon replied after being silent for a while.

"Please let me marry Mother!". Suddenly Prince Austin came and he knelt in front of his mother.

"But, honey...".

"For once, my mother follows my plea, because a prince never breaks his promise!". Said Prince Austin who did not give his mother a chance to speak.

"Okay". With a heavy heart, Bella finally agreed.

However, she did not dare to tell her husband because she knew that his character could destroy anything when he was angry.

"What dream I had last night, soon I will be in order from a king, I am the father-in-law of a prince too and I'm rich now". His father Lisya thought.

He can't wait to see her only child marry a prince, even though he has heard the rumors about the demon royal family, but he doesn't care as long as it's profitable for him.

That day, all wedding preparations were completed so that Prince Austin and Lisya could get married in the afternoon.

Nerline School Hall.

Inside the hall which had been decorated in such a way, two lovebirds stood in front of everyone present.

Lisya looked beautiful with simple make-up and a white dress with a circular flower ornament in her hair instead of a crown.

Meanwhile, Prince Austin looks very handsome when he wears a black shirt with white underwear.

All eyes were on the two of them, the invited guests were the chosen ones. Likewise with students and female students, they were asked to attend on the condition that they did not leak this event outside the school walls.

"Why are they suddenly married, what is this?".

"I also don't know, is this a dream, our prince fell on Lizya?".

"Yes, it is inappropriate for Prince Austin to be side by side with Lizya whose status is lower. They are like earth and sky, so much difference".

"Never mind, don't just talk, if someone hears we will definitely get angry".

Even though it's just a whisper. But, Lisya can still hear what her friends say. She also looked down in shame because she also realized that she did not deserve to be side by side with Prince Austin.

"Is this real? Is it true that I will get married this soon and the man who will marry me is prince Austin?". Lysya thought nervously.

Not long after that, the two of them finished chanting their wedding vows.

"I've become the wife of prince Austin, my heart can't stop beating". Inner Lisya after getting a kiss on the forehead.

"Wow ... Lisya, you are so lucky to be the wife of Prince Austin".

"She is indeed very lucky, it can be seen from the eyes of the two that there is a poisonous glow of love for those of us who are still single".

"Please help me register at the protection agency for singles, so this jealousy can receive justice".

All the women who attended the event felt carried away, especially Miss Monica, who was old enough to get married but still unable to get married.

Meanwhile, Prince Austin, who had been like a robot who had not moved or talked much, was seen again glancing at Lisya who was still standing beside him.

Instantly he felt his heart pounding violently, just then he asked himself again about how dare he decided to marry without his father knowing.

"Is my decision correct?". Inner prince Austin.

After all the series of events finished, they all disbanded. Lisya and Prince Austin returned to their respective dormitories.

Meanwhile, Lisya's father was very satisfied to see the luxurious delivery accompanied by money tucked into the white envelope. Unfortunately, Lisya's mother did not dare to meet her child because she felt embarrassed. She knows that this marriage is only to make up for her husband from collecting debts.

"Finally I can gamble again and this time I will not be afraid to run out of money because I can ask my son-in-law". Lisya's father said proudly.