I'll do it slowly!

Without waiting any longer, the prince immediately kissed Lisya's lips again with even more savage.

Instantly Lisya blinked her eyes, her heart was racing faster, her lust was getting more and more intense.

Prince Austin's lips, coupled with a soft touch on her sensitive part, made Lisya's common sense drift so that she really gave herself up to her husband.

Not long after, Lizya was immersed in the softness created by Prince Austin's hands and lips so that she didn't want to lose and turned her position to the top.

"You make me Crazy". Said Lisya while kissing Prince Austin's chest.

Prince Austin immediately smiled because he felt the extraordinary sensation of Lisya's game while on top of him.

After finishing her first game, Lizya took off all her clothes after which helped the prince to take them all off in a hurry.

A moment later, everything opened, now it was Prince Austin turn to turn Lizya's body to be under him.

"It's natural for men to be above, so let me do it". Prince Austin said with a wicked smile.

Lisya immediately covered her face in shame at how naughty she was.

"Why did you cover your face? Do you not want to see me?". Asked the prince while removing Lisya's two hands.

"I'm ashamed!". Lisya answered with a smile.

"I am your husband, why should you be ashamed?". Asked Prince Austin again.

"Okay!". Said Lisya as she wrapped her hands around Prince Austin's neck shyly.

"I love you!".

After saying that, prince Austin immediately felt Lizya's whole body with a kiss that was getting more and more savage for the unstable and passionate young soul.

Feeling a passionate kiss, with the touch by touch given by her husband, Lisya tightened her arms around Prince Austin's neck even more.

The passion of Prince Austin who is a very strong and passionate teenager looks so passionate that he does it crazy.

Lisya was fascinated when she saw Prince Austin's beautiful body which was muscular and very seductive for the size of a teenager, at that moment she felt enchanted again seeing his soft and white broad chest, so she was getting crazy and wanted to crush it all out.

"Are you ready?". Whispered Prince Austin in Lisya's ear.

"I am ready". Answered Lisya who was already drunk with passion.

"I'll be very slow".

After saying that, Prince Austin immediately started. Instantly Lisya started biting her lower lip in pain because she was still a virgin.

"Aaahh ... It hurts". Said Lisya while holding tight prince Austin's arm.

"A little more, you can hold it!". Said Prince Austin who was still trying hard because this was also his first time.

"Ahh ..."

Lisya continued to sigh between pain and pleasure until Prince Austin managed to do it.

"Does it still hurt? Should I slow down!". Prince Austin asked who could not bear to see Lisya's face in pain.

"Just do as you want, I'm fine!". Lisya answered in the middle of her groaning pain and enjoying the pleasure of slow movements made as gentle as possible by prince Austin.

"I'm afraid you get hurt!". Prince Austin still didn't have the heart to continue.

Without saying anything, Lisya put her hands back around Prince Austin's neck, after which she immediately kissed Prince Austin's beautiful and sexy lips.

At that Prince Austin smiled because he understood what his wife wanted. He also did it according to his instincts as a man who was drunk by his lust.

"Ahhh ..."

"Ahhh ..."

The groaning sound that came out of the two of them broke the silence of the lonely and cold night.

Lisya is very happy because she has become the full wife of the prince Austin she loves.

An hour later, they both fell into exhaustion.

"Thank you for being my wife!". Prince Austin said as he hugged his wife.

"But, what if the king separates us? I'm afraid!". Said Lisya while looking up at Prince Austin's face.