An unpleasant meeting

"Was there an accident?" Prince Austin wondered to himself as he watched the crowd in front of him. 

Out of curiosity, Prince Austin went down and asked one of the people who was watching the incident. 

"Sorry sir, what's in front of you?". Asked Prince Austin.

"Ohh that. There was an accident, a young woman riding a motorbike had hit the sidewalk". 

"Young woman? Didn't Maheza say that Lisya came home and went on a motorbike? Was that something?". Inner prince Austin. 

Prince Austin immediately pushed his way through the crowd to see the victim, after it was clear, his heartbroken to see the girl he had long missed lying around, as if fate had led him to meet Lisya. 

"Jeez Lisya? ...".

Everyone looked at Prince Austin asking questions. "Do you know this girl?"

"She's my wife".

Hearing Prince Austin's confession, everyone breathed a sigh of relief because no one had dared to help before the police arrived.