Star Entertainment's new boss

"She is the number one artist here, and that girl is her mortal enemy". Tania said proudly. 

Maheza nodded expressionlessly "Is that how great she is?".

"Yes it is, and this girl is really public trash, so we have to immediately throw her out of here!". Tania replied, who felt powerful after receiving orders from Vina. 

"All right, then I'll take out the trash myself". said Mahesa while smiling slyly at Tania. 

Everyone felt happy and sneered at Aurel, while the security guard was worried about Tania's fate because he knew very well that Maheza was the new boss of Star Entertainment. 

After saying that, Maheza took out a cell phone from his pants pocket, after which he made a call to his assistant Dony.

"Dony, take care of someone for me!".

Before continuing his words, Maheza glanced at Tania and asked. "What is your name?".


Maheza nodded after hearing Tania's answer. 

"How is the boss?". Asked Dony.