Conference  press

"Because I'm her uncle!". Replied Prince Austin. 

Everyone also knows that Lyn looks more like Prince Austin than her biological parents. 

Immediately Prince Austin glanced at Lyn again and for the umpteenth time, he noticed the way of eating and calmness and the look on Lyn's face immediately he also had a complicated feeling. 

"Lyn is very similar to me, will my son look like me if he lives? Surely he will be a handsome boy". Inner prince Austin. 

According to the bodyguard he ordered to investigate about the child Lizya gave birth to, he discovered the fact that his son was a boy. 

"Oh yeah, why was Lyn here, last night you didn't tell me". Maheza asked, glancing at Lyn who was still sitting quietly in her chair. 

"Last night, my mother brought her here with the excuse that Lyn was whining to be brought here. But, my mother immediately left because my father did not allow her to stay overnight".