Angel's hand.

"What is this?".

"Yes, what is this?". 

Everyone was shocked and panicked, meanwhile Prince Austin was worried about Lisya who looked really worried because this was part of her responsibility.

"We should immediately take him to the hospital!". Suddenly Prince Artha came and ordered the prime minister's bodyguard to take him immediately.

They immediately took the prime minister away from the canteen.

Lisya and several important people in charge of the event followed the car that carried the prime minister to the hospital in the car of Prince Artha.

The day's program ended in tension.

"Hopefully the prime minister is well and nothing happens to him!" Lisya mind without stopping to pray.

Giselle deliberately didn't come with the excuse of not feeling well, but she hoped that with this problem, Lisya would be blamed.

Elythes elite hospital.