This is not a dream

"Yes, prince!".

After speaking with Edward, Prince Austin accelerated his car.

Prince Austin couldn't possibly announce his relationship with Lisya while he was still in cold war with his father, it would be dangerous for Lisya.

Qing House.

Not long after, Prince Austin's car arrived in front of his house. 

After that he brought Lisya who was asleep into his room. 

He then put Lisya on the bed slowly and then went into the bathroom to take a shower.

A moment later.

Prince Austin came out of the bathroom and sat down beside the bed. 

He looked at Lisya's innocent face and smelled the fragrance of her long hair. 

"I will never let you go again, whatever happens I want you to be my queen". Inner prince Austin.

After thinking, Prince Austin lay down beside Lisya, then he hugged her and closed his eyes. 

It didn't take long, Prince Austin fell asleep because he was so tired.

The next morning.