Can not refuse

Elythes Palace.

The palace maids rushed toward the banquet hall.

"Prince Austin has arrived". The servant said politely.

Bella was very happy to hear the news, she immediately glanced at the guest and her husband with a smile. 

"Prince Austin has arrived, I'll get him". After that Bella immediately welcomed her child.

Instantly Prince Austin smiled at his mother's smile when welcoming him.

"Goodnight mother!". Said Prince Austin while kissing the back of his mother's hand.

"I'm happy that the prince is finally back". Bella hugged Prince Austin warmly because she was too happy.

A moment later.

Bella brought Prince Austin to the dining table, there was already Princess Kelly and her parents who had just come from Europe.

"Good night prince! The prince must be tired". Said Princess Kelly in a friendly and soft voice.

Immediately Prince Austin was surprised by the attitude of Princess Kelly.