She only loves me

"The prince is too stupid not to notice, therefore prince doesn't deserve to be king. Besides, I seem to have fallen in love with Lisya". Prince Gilbert replied with a terrible gaze.

"Whether you fall in love or not is your business, but Lisya only loves me and will be mine forever, as well as the royal throne which I will never let fall into the wrong hands". Prince Austin scoffed with pride because it was true that he was the only one his wife loved and there was no doubt about it.

"Haha... Maybe that's true, but what if Lisya finds out what King Arthur has done to her son and her father, isn't King Arthur also involved? Looks like she will leave you when she finds out". Prince Gilbert tried to threaten him.

"I assure you that the prince will pay for all my mother's pain and my sorrow for losing a father." Prince Gilbert continued while pointing towards prince Austin.