Gangster house

"I want to call my best friend, where is my cellphone?". Aurel said with difficulty after she finished breakfast and drew closer to the young man.

The young man didn't even glance at her, but suddenly the waiter approached her.

"I have filled your cell phone battery!". The waiter said while sticking out the cellphone towards Aurel.

Instantly Aurel sighed in annoyance to see the young man with a flat face in front of her, without thinking ahe made a call to Maheza.

"Aurel, where are you? I was looking for you at the hotel, but you were not there, I called you but your cell phone died!". From across the phone, Maheza sounded very panicked, because Aurel was his responsibility, if anything happened to Aurel, he couldn't imagine how Lisya would scold him.

"I'll tell you later after you pick me up!".

"All right, now tell me where you are!". Maheza asked.

"I don't know, but you can track me now!".