I'm ready

Once again Aurel was touched by Prince Austin's gentle treatment who treated her like a queen, at that moment Lisya could not help but smile.

"Oh God, I beg to soften the heart of the king to accept me!". Inner Lisya.

"Honey, are you ready?". Asked Prince Austin.

Instantly Lisya turned to Austin while saying. "I feel quite ready".

"Then let's go in!". Austin hooked Aurel's hand on his arm while smiling, after which they stepped together.

The magnificent gate was opened by the servants, in the living room there were already her in-laws, Amelia and Lyn who were sitting sweetly.

"Good evening!". Austin and Lisya said their greetings at the same time.

Hearing that voice, they all immediately turned their heads towards the source of the sound. With a bright smile, Bella stood up to greet her son and daughter-in-law.

Meanwhile, Lyn ran over to Lisya and Austin, at once Austin caught her tiny body and took her to his arms.