Fanatical fans

Maheza really could not understand what Doctor Diana thought.

Not interested, Maheza sighed and put on his glasses and then left with Aurel. However, what he didn't know was that outside the hospital there were already many fans waiting for him.

Seeing that many were screaming to say his name outside, Maheza turned around as well as Aurel.

"Why do they know we are here?". Maheza asked, confused.

"I also don't know". Aurel replied, who also looked even more confused.

Maheza and Aurel quickly searched social media, after which they understood that everyone was waiting outside because they saw a photo of Maheza and Austin.

Instantly Aurel and Maheza immediately left, at that moment they met Austin and Lisya who were going out too.

"What is wrong?". Austin asked, confused when he saw Maheza and Aurel running.