What did I do wrong?

"The mine owned by The Diamond Group is well known for the size and quality of the diamonds it produces, and has the highest average selling price in the world. The Diamond Group has sold 357 carat diamonds for US $ 19.3 billion in 2016 and in 2016. 2005 found a 603 carat diamond stone at Lesotho Promise ". Obviously one of the businessmen who had worked with David's company.

"You are right, the high quality and outstanding diamonds that Mr. David displayed are the largest ever mined to date. This discovery also highlights the unmatched quality of their mines". said the executive director of Diamond Star.

"I did not say the medium of the diamond sale or the price. But I will only explain that the selling value of diamonds will be determined by the size and quality of the polished stone which is usually broken." David continued.