I miss

While David sat back in his chair, suddenly he felt homesick for Aurel, whom he had not seen and heard for two weeks as a result of Aurel's confiscation of his cellphone. While staring at Aurel's funny face while sleeping, David smiled as he said. "Honey I miss, be patient I will pick you up soon!".

David is totally unwilling to let Aurel go to another man because he loves Aurel so much.

While staring at Aurel's face while sleeping, David smiled as he said.

"Honey, I miss, be patient I will pick you up soon!".

Meanwhile, Aurel was sobbing, patting his chest.

"God ... I miss David, I really miss him". 

After that Aurel returned to lie down on the bed, imagining David's face.

"Honey, I miss". After saying that Aurel closed her eyes and fell asleep soundly hugging her teddy bear as if it was David.

Late night at Maheza's house.

Maheza woke up in the middle of the night and glanced at his wife who was still lying beside him.