The plan was David

Not long after, David arrived at the fancy restaurant and there were already many people waiting for him.

"Good evening Mr. David!". Said one of the leading CEO companies in Elythes. David nodded after that took his seat.

"Can we start, because we only have a little time".

"Okay, Mr. David, we will start this event, but who is the model that matches the beauty of the necklace and diamond that we will produce?". David smiled. "Surely a woman who is beautiful and classy". 

"Does Mr. David knows any suitable Elythes artist?".

"Aurel Karmila, she will be the model according to the beauty of the diamond". David said again.

Hearing the name Aurel Karmila, several people who recognized her background seemed dumbfounded and doubtful.

"Sorry Mr. David, it looks like this is a bit difficult because Aurel is the daughter of one of the biggest diamond companies in Elythes. So, she will definitely not agree".