Chapter 2- Visiting Yaksh Mahal

Rajkumari Chandrakanta's chariot heads towards Navgarh to meet Shivdutt under Krur Singh and army's protection. Krur Singh stops possession ad says Chandrakanta that they will rest for sometime and then move. Chandrakanta gets out of her chariot and seeing beautiful jungle says she forgot that life is so beautiful out of palace. She will enjoy out the beauty of jungle for sometime. Chapala and Champa ask what will they say Krur Singh. Chandrakanta says she trust their intelligence and walks into jungle. Krur Singh comes and says he ordered special dishes for Chandrakanta. Chapala and Champa says rajkumari is having stomachache and is resting. Krur Singh says he will send medicine. Chapala says she already gave chachaji Krur Singh says he is not that old. Champa asks not to feel bad, she calls even her as chachi. Krur Singh says then fine and leaves.

Chandrakanta gets mesmerized seeing jungle's beauty and animal. She walks towards a deer and touches it. It runs. A cheetah then attacks her and she runs pleading for help. Virendra Singh reaches on his horse, pulls her up and speeds his horse. He was in a commoners clothes and not wearing a mask. Chandrakanta could not recognize him as he was wearing mask that day. Cheetah continues following them. They reach end of cliff. Virendra stops horse. They fall on top of each other and gets lost into each other. They come out of trance on hearing cheetah's roar. Chandrakanta runs and hides behind tree. Virendra fight with cheetah and kills it by stabbing it with a stick. Chandrakanta falls unconscious seeing it. Virendra walks towards her angrily shouts why she comes in front of him often, if he had known she is the girl seeking help, he would not have saved her. He sees her unconscious and tells that can go in some animal's stomach while sleeping. In this way her story and his problem will end. He turns to leave but then tries to lift her to save her when he hears Chapala, Champa and Krur Singh with army coming searching Chandrakanta. He leaves with dead cheetah. Chapala, Champa and others see Chandrakanta unconscious and wake her up. Chandrakanta asks where is the man who saved her from cheetah. Chandrakanta walks with them and thinks if the man was real or it was her dream.

Virendra's friend Badrinath wakes up from sleep and panics seeing cheetah next to him. He runs towards Virendra. Virendra says it is dead and he killed it. Badri says Virendra's killing spree already started. Virendra says today he will not kill anyone as he is going to Yaksh Mahal to get tilism key. His father Marich called him and informed that the key is in Yaksh Mahal since 121 years and he has to get it. Badri says it is impossible for Virendra not to kill anyone.

Chandrakanta continues thinking how a man/Virendra saved her. Champa asks her to stop thinking of that man and think how she will test rajkumar Shivdutt. Shivdutt reaches Yaksh Mahal. Priest introduces himself as the guardian of Yaksha Mahal and asks if he is ready for pooja Shivdutt reminds that even rajkumari Chandrakanta is also coming. Chandrakanta reaches and her soldiers chant her name. Chandrakanta walks towards Shivdutt and it is reaveled Chandrakanta swapped her identity with Champa. Champa introduces herself as Chandrakanta while Chandrakanta is in Chapla's clothes covering her face with a mask. Shivdutt greets her by doing het aarti and thinks soon he will get her. Priest reminds Shivdutt to take a bath for pooja. Chandrakanta thanks Kroor Singh for understanding her situation and helping her and touches his hands. Kroor Singh gets shy feeling her touch. Priest takes Chandrakanta and team explaining the story behind Yaksh Mahal, that 121 years ago, maharaj Harshavardhan and maharani Chandrika does together while fighting to protect tilism. Chandrakanta thinks love should be like this. live with each other and die with each other. Kroor Singh says he heard Yakshinis(a kind of supernatural being) trap men and once they are fed of them they drink their blood. Priest says if tilism is true, then this story is also true. Krur singh gets afraid. They walk through old palace. A girl runs laughing. Krur singh gets afraid. Pandit orders girl to come out. She comes out laughing. Pandit says girl is his daughter Mansi and tells rajkumari Chandrakanta has come. Girl gets excited seeing Chandrakanta(Chapla in reality) and says she never dreamt of meeting her.

Virendra with Badri reaches near yaksha Mahal and thinks how to enter it. He sees 2 men and tells Badri to show is magic. Badri makes men unconscious and takes one of men's face(aiyyars can take any person's form). He takes Virendra near Yaksh m

Mahal's entrance and says he forgot something and asks to not enter in before he returns and to control his anger. Virendra thinks he has come to this place earlier and climbs steps.

Shivdutt performs pooja and Yaksha mahal's door opens. Shivdutt walks towards it. Whole place gets surrounded by thunders. Champa and Chapala discuss that Shivdutt has magical powers. Just when Shivdutt tries to enter door, it closes. Priest says it is surprising. Shivdutt scolds priest that he played trick to insult him. Priest says it happened because tilism's real owner is here or someone unknown is among them. Shivdutt sees Virendra and points sword towards him and asks who is he. Virendra fumes in anger. Chandrakanta realizes he is the same man who saved her. Badri reaches there.