DREAM 1: Chapter 10 :

I was quietly trying to sniff away my tears when suddenly a voice told me over my right shoulder "It's okay. It was all my fault. You can cry. " And a drop fell down on my neck almost responding to the command. I quickly tore my trance and looked over, wide eyed. He was looking at me, eyes telling me that he was really sorry which I can again suddenly start to understand. "You....." I suddenly can't speak, my tears chocking me. He gave me a rueful smile. "And for the last time, let me explain, princess. " I was too startled so I just nodded. He brought me some new juice cans as he started. " Now where shall I start from. In junior high, when I first saw you , talking gayly to that another girl, the first thought that crossed my mind was why am I not a participant of that conversation, what makes you laugh so much about anything she says and why are you not even noticing me. Later I remember when the class teacher introduced me in the class. When all the girls were looking at me, you didn't even look up once, you were busy playing with your little stupid hanky . That day, I really felt like approaching your desk and throw off that puny thing which was getting all your attention instead of me. Afterwards I noticed you were quite friendly with others. No matter where the teacher made you sit you used to talk to all of them and befriend them . I also saw you doing homeworks and assignments of an ill-student . But you hated leadership position. As a result, you made a lot of friends. In this meantime, I don't know why I suddenly came to the realisation that I want to be like you. Call it jealousy or obsession it matters nothing to me. In senior high, when we were first allowed because take part in inter-school competitions, I tried my best to get selected in debate and quiz team. And guess what, your group won the debate competition basically most of your contribution so I had to pull all-nighters to win the quiz competition *smirks* I thought after this you'll surely notice but then again you didn't. Oh yes, you did look at me but that look,... it's difficult to explain but I think that wasn't a look of love. By this time I was brave enough to understand that I was completely in love with you. " My head said "It was a look of worship. " He continued "When I heard that you going to the reunion party, I thought that there's no way I could miss it.