DREAM 1: Chapter 12 :

The doctor was bribed by me only when I was in your car. So, I guess, that's it. I love you and I really need you in my life. But its totally your decision what to do about it. I'll just take that as my punishment for venting out on you and abusing you that day." He stopped and chugged down two cans of juice immediately. I was so thunderstruck that perhaps I wasn't even breathing. I didn't even realise when Aaron came near me and said "I'm sorry, I thought you two stand a chance so I staged up all this. So , include me in the punishment too." It pulled me out of my trance and I said "Just don't know how to put it but... I love you too " and gave Xandy a long hug........

I woke up from my afternoon nap at the droning noise of my phone. I clacked my tongue. Who now? It was instantly replied. It's Aaron. I picked up the phone. "What now?" I asked. "You were sleeping?" He asked. "Yes, marrying to Sherlock Holmes in my dreams." I replied. "Well then you were dreaming about the right thing," he replied" because I'm going to give you some wedding news. " By this time I've already put bookmark and closed the latest book I was reading. As I tried putting the books back to the shelves I asked "Oh really, nice! Who now is getting married?" "You remembered that nerdy guy in High school in your class, his name is Xandy. Hmm? He is getting married to Talia this month. 15th or 16th , I've to check and yes, we all are invited there. What do you say?" "Nah, I'll pass" was my curt reply. I hung up and smirked to myself.....

Well, well how's my story?