Genesis III

"Zeus!" His friend, Cupid shouted his name that made me stopped from erasing this son of a bitch's face. I looked at his friends and gave them my famous smirk that made them realize for mistaking me from him, so I get back to what I'm doing before they interrupted me. This kind of bastard deserves to die in my hands since no one in that goddamn place helped the helpless woman laying on the ground.

"Shit! Genesis stop it! You'll kill him! Snap out of it!" His best friend, Lucas said hysterically before he grabbed me trying to pull me away to the bastard that became the source of my anger tonight. I pushed his friend away but he get to stop my fist to land on the face of the unconscious bastard in front of me.

"Jairo! Apollo! Goddamn it! Help me here, would you! We're not in a freakin' shooting you idiots!" Lucas shouted angrily to their other two band members who are now looking at us sharing popcorn as if they're watching a live action movie. Wherever they get that popcorn, I don't know and I don't care. That two friends of his are weirdos when they're drunk. They both make a move though, and tried to get the attentions of our audience.

It's a good thing for them that not a lot of people followed those two earlier, cause if he caught up in a fight, it might ruin his career since their fans didn't know that he has me.

I once again tried to escaped from Lucas when a warm and calloused hands stopped me from doing it. My gaze went to the owner of those hands and my heart tightened when I saw her bloody yet lovely face.

"P-please s-stop. I-I'm okay." I clenched my fist once more trying to stop my raging anger upon hearing those words from her trembling lips.

I pulled away from Lucas when I calmed down making him let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you! For your cooperation!" He exclaimed furiously but all I gave him is my famous smirk.

I hurriedly checked the woman who that bastard was trying to kill earlier and immediately lift her up. She's a little terrified that made my expression soft. She really reminds me of her.

"What's your name? Why are you here? And why is that bastard trying to kill you?" I asked softly while checking her bruises and wounds.

She looked like a teenager at first glance cause she's too short for a woman but her curves fall into their right places like how a woman's body shall be plus she has the most angelic face that I've ever seen. I'm not a pervert, I just noticed how perfect her body is in her black skinny leather pants that paired with a red crop top. She only have an old wristwatch and a ruby necklace as her accessories. Her red stiletto just made her just a bit taller but if she's not wearing that, she will be mistaken for a sixteen year old girl and she wouldn't be allowed inside Cupid's bar since he won't let minors to enter his premises.

"Y-yumi." She answered weakly but enough for me to hear. "A-and he... He is m-my brother. It's... It's my fault so... So pl-please don't hurt him anymore."

My heart constraints on her answer. Why people like her always wanted me to spare those kind of bastards? When in the first place they deserved being punished for hurting these weak people.

I didn't utter a word and lift her up cause if I don't, I might kill that bastard of a brother of hers. I put her down gently on his band's van and look for the first aid kit that they always bring with them if in case I entered the picture.

"Please... I'm so thankful when y-you... Helped me. But... Please... At least c-call an ambulance for... Y-ylac." She said trying to endure the pain when I'm applying medicine on her wounds.

"What the fuck are you talking about? That brother of yours almost killed you just a little while ago but you still wanted me to save that bastard?" I snapped a little when I heard her request but when I see her pleading eyes, my anger melted in an instant.

"H-he's my only f-family." She said in a weak voice. How could I say no to her when she's like that? Even though annoyed a little, I lift her up again and face Cupid who is now watching my every movement.

"Hey Cupid without bows and arrows! Where's your car?" Cupid snorted before pointing out his silver Cadillac parked not too far from us, and gave me his keys as if he read my mind that I needed it.

"Where the hell are you going to take her?!" Lucas asked irritably before taking the keys from me. While Jairo and Apollo are supporting the still unconscious guy that I beat to death.

"The hospital. Why? You think I'm that evil to do something to this helpless woman? You're insulting me Quijano. I'm not like those bastards who treat woman like trash. And besides, I won't let her be with that bastard. I'll take her to other hospital so don't you dare stop me or I'll ruin your friend's life by killing that guy." I said angrily.

"I'll go with them. Take him to other hospital." Cupid commanded before he took the keys from his friend and go with me to his car. Yumi tugged my shirt lightly while I'm taking her to Cupid's car.

"Thank you." She whispered and smiled at me,  before she lost consciousness.

Her stupidity is pissing me off but seeing her smile, making her happy, gives me a different emotion. An emotion that I've never encountered before.

"Just take her to his home Cupid and call Stephen. Tell him I'm here so bring a doctor with him. You wouldn't want your friend have a scandal right?" I ordered to his friend that he immediately obeys when I placed Yumi im the back seat carefully.

"S-save m-me." My heart constricted on its own when I heard her plead. I don't know but her words are killing me. I have this urge to save her. I don't know her but I will promise that I will save her. I won't let that thing happened again twice. I gave her one last glance before Cupid starts the engine and drove off to that bastard's place.

God created the sun, moon, and the stars on the fourth day. He placed them in the firmament (heavens) to provide light for the earth, and to provide seasons for each year. The two great lights, the sun and the moon, would provide light for every day and every night. The greater light, the sun, would provide light for the day, and the lesser light, the moon, would provide light in the night. He created the stars to govern and rule the earth, and to give it light. -Gen 1:14-19


"How come you can't control your damn temper? You Almost killed the guy, Genesis. How do you think I am going to fix this mess?" Stephen asked angrily but I just let his words passed through my ears.

I don't give a damn about their worry. They could fix every mess I do with their money so it doesn't bother me. I just have to endure Stephen's nagging since I asked a favor to him.

My gaze went to the close room where Yumi is being examine. As much as I wanted to be with her, I can't cause I almost kill that doctor of his before. I don't want him to feel nervous in my presence while checking Yumi.

I stood up immediately when his doctor went out of the room where Yumi was. "How's Yumi?" Even I was surprise to hear my unusual gentle tone when talking to his doctor. On my peripheral view, I saw Stephen crossed his arms maybe wondering what's got into me.

"She needs to rest for a few days. You should bring her to the hospital for further examinations, cause when I examine her, she have other bruises on her body that haven't healed yet. And I also needed to do a CT scan just to make sure there's no hemorrhage on her head. I can say that she's been through a lot." I gritted my teeth in anger that made the doctor step back a little when he saw my expression.

" Thanks Doc. You can go now. Sorry for the inconvenience." Stephen said before he accompany the doctor outside.

I went inside her room when they left. I felt the same pain I've got before when I saw her writhed in pain while sleeping, - it was the same pain whenever I remember my mom. I walk quietly and sit beside her trying not to wake her up. I gently hold her hand as I watched her sleep.

My heart aches for her even though she's just a stranger that I happened to help. When Zeus saw her get dragged, that bastard hurriedly ran away again. That's why I went out. Cause that bastard run away and locked himself out of that fucking room. I've got the urge to not just destroy his life but to kill him. But if killing him means I'll be gone too, then I'll let it slip for now. And besides, killing myself is not my job, it's Leviticus' job not mine. And making that guy come out isn't a good idea.

Now that I have someone to protect, all I have to do is to let him locked himself out on that room and never go out. Or maybe I should just tell him the truth so he will erase his existence on his own and I can take over his body.I can destroy him in a different way not only by killing him.

"If you're planning to take care of her after knowing she's been beaten up a lot, I won't allow it." Stephen said when he came back.

"And why is that?" I asked in knotted brows before putting her hands down gently.

"Disclosing your identity to other people is not allowed. So how are you going to explain to her that you are you when she wakes up and found out that Zeus Tuazon, the vocalist of Mors Sola is the one who saved her? Sooner or later you'll go back inside. Because we all know..." He stepped closer to me and whispered to my ear the thing that I never wanted to hear the most. "You're just a personality. You existed because he can't remember his past. Once he regained his memories, you won't be here anymore."

And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky." So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth." And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day. - Gen 1: 20-23

I clenched my fist but I managed to smile at him. "Are you forgetting something? That bastard is weak and coward. How can you be so sure that he won't run away after remembering what he did?" I said and pushed him away from me. I'm trying not to snap because we're on her room but if he'll keep on provoking me like this, I might drag him outside and beat him to death.

Stephen sigh defeatedly after a long time of glaring at each other. "I know you're worried about her cause she reminded you of your mom. But you can't take care of her forever. You and Zeus are different. You shared the same body but you have different lives."

"I know bastard! You don't have to tell that." I hissed.

"Will it worry you less if I'll be the one who will take care of her? I'll make sure that her brother can't harm her again if that's what you are worried about. It's the only thing I could offer in exchange of not telling her who you are. In exchange of not telling her you exist."

I smiled bitterly on Stephen's deal. As much as I wanted to decline it, I'm not in the position to do that. Cause I know that I'll be going back soon. And when I'm Inside that filthy room, all I could do is wait for him to locked himself on his own.

"Keep your promise. I will kill you if you won't." I warned that almost make his grin turned into a wide smile. I set my gaze back to Yumi and smile a little when I saw her sleeping peacefully now that her medicine takes affect.

"There's one more thing I want you to do for me." I locked eyes with Stephen that is all ears on me. "Stay him away from Yumi. He can take all the credits but that's it. Don't let him get close to her."

"I know, you don't have to tell me that. Cause You and Zeus are different. And so are they." He said before leaving the room.

My gaze went back to Yumi. An indescribable feeling infiltrates my system as I watch her sleep. Even her face were black and blue from the punches and kicks she got, I can still see how beautiful Yumi is.

She has a heart-shaped face that is just right for her petite body. A small yet pointed nose and those lips... Damn! If I wasn't in the right mind, I'll be tempted to taste those pale red lips of hers. Her complexion isn't as white as those girls who swarms Zeus but I liked it. As a Filipina, she has the right color tone. But what attracted me the most is her eyes, even after all those hardships she's been through, it wasn't dead. As if she belives that there will be someone who will save her cause when our eyes locked on each other earlier, it's actually glowing and full of hope after I saved her.

She's tired, yes. But you'll see in her eyes that she's a fighter. That she'll continue living in spite of every hardships she's facing. Just like how my mom's eyes were, even after she died. I could still remember the way she looked up and smiled at the man who once vowed to protect her no matter what.

I stayed for a little bit longer beside Yumi before going to his room and left a warning note for him before I go to sleep.

God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them, gave them food to eat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, God have given every green plant for food. God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. - Genesis 1:24-31