Hi, my name is Jared and I have been working for the last four years of my life. I will not say that I am an expert on this subject because my four years of job experience is but a dust on the shoulders of those who have worked all their lives. However this is a topic that I do know about and for the love of God, I don't want others to experience what I had experienced before. So let's get down to the nitty gritty.
If you are a fresh graduate and entering the warzone known as the corporate world for the first time remember that first impressions lasts, good or bad, people will remember you by it, so makes sure that you're making the most out of it. On the other hand, if you are already a seasoned veteran in this warzone you should know how to act, and to keep that act as long as you can, as often as you can. We are all actors in the grand stage called corporate life. Now here a list of what you should remember:
1. You should be CONFIDENT but Not Arrogant - simply put, everyone loves confident people but scorns arrogant ones, so it's okay to be confident in yourself but don't let it get to your head.
2. Titles are just titles - for fresh graduates you would be starting at the bottom rung but for veterans you know what this means already. You might have a higher position over those who are already in the company but they know the company better than you. You may be their boss but you need to learn how to swim through their riptides and tidal waves to gain their respect and not be labeled as public enemy number one. You need to be acclimated to the group before your can initiate changes if that is what you are aiming for.
3. Be polite - Regardless of your situation, position or social status, being polite can go a long way. Respect them and they will respect you.
4. Smile - don't ever leave your smile at home, you must always bring your positive vibes to work
Now we are done with the first impressions, let's move further forward when you have successfully been integrated in the group. Know this: no matter how good or bad your first impression is, you will be integrated in the group. Why? Basically, whether your colleagues like or hate you they will be forced to work with you at some point in their office life so integration and interaction cannot be avoided. Now, let's say you started on the right foot and people love you, I would suggest the following things.
1. Keep doing everything that you are doing right - yes you really need to not stop doing the right things because it will help you
2.DO NOT get Caught Up - Sure, you made friends and got in good terms with your bosses but... don't be swept away by them. Don't forget you are an individual. You may be part of a group but you still have your own shit that you need to manage and deal with.
3. Don't take the blame if you know you didn't do it - self explanatory.
Okay, let's say you're at the other end of the spectrum and had a rough start. If people don't hate you already, they might just be tolerating you because of the job. You might feel rather isolated right now and even feel like quitting. Don't worry, it's not the end of the world - actually it's just the start. It may be hell on earth but nothing is easy in the beginning anyway, not everybody could be the star, others well... it takes time. How do we deal with this? The next few lines are NOT FOOLPROOF but they might help you one way or another.
1. Avoid Conflict - yes this is hard to do but it's what you need to learn to ease out whatever turmoil you already are experiencing. As they say, you need to surf the wave if you don't want to drown. Avoiding UNNECESSARY conflict is a key to smooth out relationships in the workplace. If you can let a snide comment pass, just do so, it's not worth your time anyway. Ignore things that are not necessary and just focus on your task. People in the workplace can be very negative and will cox you into an argument, but you need find your inner peace.
2. Do your job right, - it's basic, but this is the best way for people to like you. Doing your job properly makes you a reliable employee and reliable employees are very likable. If you can prove to them that you can do your job awesomely you can gain their trust and be able to build good rapport with your co-workers.
3. Don't bitch about your job - nobody likes people who does nothing but complain about their job and how they are not having a great day, simply because you are a source of stress and a sign of negativity. You also need to understand that you took the job knowing what challenges you will be facing and aware what kind of job you will be doing. You are expected to do your work without any unnecessary side comments about how much you hate whatever it is you are doing or how much better opportunities are outside of the company. You need to remember that you took the position on your own volition and nobody coerced you into taking it. You need to understand that too much complaining will create a bad image of yourself towards your co-workers.
4. Do not compare your current job from your previous companies - because if they were so great, then why did you leave.
5. Socialize - You need to be able to get to know other people. The company doesn't run just because of your efforts. You are not the center of the company but just another element to its success, so it's about time for you to meet and get to know other people in your group, team or company. Build friendship, rapport or something good. Your company friends are the beginning of a good network that you might need for your future. Your work friends may in turn help you make connections with the other people in your company that you didn't like the first time.
Now everything I have said earlier are all based from experience and observation. I know how it felt like when no one in your workplace likes you and you just feel like quitting, but you need to toughen up and get yourself out of that rut and try to fit in. Man is a social animal after all, and you may not be Mr. or Ms. Congeniality but you must at least try to get along with others. Of course, you cannot please everybody, and at some point someone will hate you and you will hate them in return but that is part of life and a part of the corporate world.
You need to remember one last thing, when all else failed, QUIT. Why? Sometimes fighting a losing battle is not just exhausting but also a total waste of time. You need to acknowledge the fact that you have placed your cards on the table and made your gamble but the odds are working against you. There may be a chance for an epic comeback but that is not always true so learn when to cut back and quit. Remember quitting isn't an easy way out but it is a way out.
So that is my thoughts on how not be the worst person in your job.