
Arthur took the rest to a strange building.

"Dojo?" Jason asked confusedly.

Arthur said nothing and opened the door of the dojo.

"This is where the fencing club trains. This morning I signed up as soon as I arrived" explained Arthur slowly.

Inside the dojo was a shelf with many wooden swords. Arthur walked to the shelf and took two swords, throwing one at Jason.

Jason seemed to understand what Arthur wanted. He entered the dojo and stood in front of Arthur.

"Before we begin, how do you know I'm a swordsman?" asked curious Jason.

"I noticed it from the moment I saw you. You have a fine sword aura surrounding your body, only a person like me, who has dedicated his life to the sword can identify that aura. Don't you see that same aura in me?"

Jason smiled and said nothing. In fact, he had noticed that fine aura around Arthur. But unlike Arthur, he had only managed to see that aura once he had grabbed his sword.

Jason put himself on guard, he noticed that Arthur was better than him in all aspects at present. That sense of danger Jason felt could not be faked.

Akeno and Elisabeth noticed the intensity of the atmosphere and retreated to a safe distance.

Flames could be seen in Jason's eyes. His desire to fight was infinite and being able to fight with Arthur filled him with anticipation. In the future he was going to be one of the 5 most powerful human beings, being on a par with monsters like Vasco Estrada and the user of True Longinus, Cao Cao.

Arthur smiled slightly, he was also a fight madman. He had wanted to fight Jason from the moment he saw him entering his room. It was a shame that he could not use his Excalibur Ruler or even Caliburn.

"Let's get started" Arthur said slightly before disappearing. Jason did not disappoint him and disappeared as well.


Both swords crashed. Arthur stayed on site, but Jason took three steps back. Here you could see the difference in the power and skills of both. Although Arthur was slightly more powerful than Jason, it was his great sword skills that made him gain such an advantage on the first stroke.

Jason smiled, the intention of battle within his eyes grew even more. He had not had a good sword fight since he trained with Souji years ago.

Jason knew he couldn't let Arthur take the lead and attacked first. He attacked quickly from different angles, forcing Arthur to stay defensive.

Although Jason was accustomed to his two-meter Balmung, his skill helped him control the short wooden sword as if it were his own hand.

Arthur defended himself continuously, but it was obvious from his smile that he was not having a difficult time against Jason. He made a strange move with the sword and slightly deflected another attack from Jason. Before Jason could perform another quick attack, Arthur kicked him in the chest and made Jason retreat a few feet back.

Arthur then took the initiative, copying Jason's attack. He quickly attacked at different angles, looking for a hole in Jason's defenses.

Jason defended himself as best he could from Arthur's attacks, but it didn't take him long to find a hole in Jason's defense and make a slight cut on his side. Jason did not react to the cut, as if it had never happened, and continued to pay attention to his defense. He showed no sign that he was going to surrender.

The fight continued, Arthur kept attacking while Jason defended. The cuts that impacted Jason's body were getting bigger and bigger, his clothes were already torn.

Arthur found a hole in Jason's weakened defense and struck a hard blow with the hilt of the sword. Jason flew a few feet before falling to the ground. Jason on the ground spat a breath of blood, you could say this was being a beating.

"You´ve lost"J ason heard Arthur's voice. He got up with difficulty and grabbed the sword tightly.

"Hehe" Jason laughed slightly.

Jason's current state could only be described with one word, pathetic. All his clothes were shattered and his body had countless shallow cuts. His six command seals could be seen on his left chest. The only thing that was not in bad shape was his face and that strange smile on his face.

Arthur frowned, he hoped Jason would admit defeat knowing he was no match for him.

"Haven't you shown your true strength, Arthur?

"No, I didn't" Arthur answered sincerely.

"Is that so? But I haven't shown all my strength either," Jason smiled mysteriously.

[Ashura Mode]

A dark aura surrounded Jason, a dark tattoo extended from his command seals through his ribs to one of his cheeks. His red eyes became completely black. His shallow cuts healed quickly, leaving no scars.

"Why we don´t restart?" Jason smiled at Arthur.

Arthur's smile widened pleasantly. The excitement in his eyes was hard to hide. They both looked into each other's eyes and, as if they had reached an agreement, disappeared at the same time.

Again their swords collided, but this time neither backed off. The increase in strength that [Ashura Mode] gave Jason had closed the gap that Arthur's sword skills had created in the beginning.

They quickly exchanged moves. First there were ten, then twenty, etc...

The splinters of the wooden swords could be seen all over the dojo. Both Elisabeth and Akeno looked stunned at Jason and Arthur's exchange of blows.

Elisabeth knew Arthur was strong, but she had never seen him fight before. She had confidence in herself before and was sure that there was no human more powerful than her. But when she saw the fight between Arthur and Jason, she knew that although she may be at the same level at the moment, it is possible that she will be overcome by a lot in the future if she doesn't pay attention.

Akeno had seen Jason fight once. If you can call that fighting, of course. It was when he rescued her from the hands of the Himejima, and there he only used his ice magic to freeze everyone to death. This exchange of skills was like a show to her.

Jason and Arthur continued to exchange hits until finally, in the 100th hit, the wooden swords were broken at once. It was already a miracle that wooden swords held for so long.

Jason withdrew his [Ashura Mode] and dropped to the ground, Arthur then sat next to him. They both took some time to catch their breath.

When both had more or less recovered. Arthur reached out his hand to Jason with a smile. Jason grabbed his hand tightly and they both got up off the floor.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am Arthur Pendragon, natural bearer of sacred swords and current user of Excalibur Ruler and Caliburn" Arthur made the typical knight's gesture.

"Let me introduce myself too. I am Jason Frey, an Ashura and current user of Balmung and Rho Aias" Jason returned the knight´s greeting.

"Balmung? Can I see it?" Arthur asked.


Jason stretched out his hand and the six-foot sword appeared. The two-handed golden sword with a blue jewel embedded in the hilt boasts a magnificence and enormity that makes it look as if it was created by inhuman hands. Arthur could feel the enormous Dragon slayer power emanating from the sword. Arthur was surprised to see that the power emanating from Balmung equaled and even surpassed the power of his Caliburn.

"What an incredible sword" Arthur praised sincerely.

"I know" Jason stroked Balmung's blade gently, as if afraid to break it.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the embodiment of Jason the Argonaut," Elisabeth said. Akeno was by their side as they approached.

"That's what it looks like," Jason said slightly. He didn't pay much attention to the title of incarnation of Jason the Argonaut, for him it was just one more usefull skill.

"Since you have formally introduced yourselves, so will I." Akeno joined the discussion.

"I am Akeno Himejima, former Himejima clan member and half fallen angel" Akeno showed her crow wings.

Contrary to the official canon. Akeno had no resentment of the wings of fallen angels and had learned to use their powers and train them to the fullest. All this is due to the training received from Medea and company.

Elisabeth and Arthur looked at Akeno in surprise. They would never have thought that this tender girl was a fallen angel and also a member of one of the 5 great clans of Japan.

Elisabeth then stepped forward.

"I am Elisabeth Windsor, heir to the throne of England and a Longinus wielder, Alphecca Tyrant."