Bastet Blessing (1)

Medea and Semiramis were outside the training room. They were waiting for any move against Jason to come in and act against Nekohime.

"Why do you think Jason doesn't want us to be with him?" Medea asked Semiramis.

Although Medea didn't want to admit it, she knew Semiramis was much better at reading people's intentions.

"He wants to get as much information as possible from Nekohime. With us there, Nekohime will feel pressured and will not reveal all the information Jason could get from her.

Jason also wants to show her that he trusts her so that Nekohime is not on guard against us.

Those are the reasons I have been able to conclude, maybe Jason has some other reason he doesn't want us to know" Semiramis explained her conclusions.

"And to think that he was willing to use a seal of command on each of us," Medea sighed.

Semiramis no longer said anything. Medea took a serious attitude and prepared to enter the training room at any time.

A few minutes later they felt that the connection between them and Jason was shaking.

"Jason!" Medea shouted as she hurled herself toward the door.

"Master!" Semiramis was no slower than Medea.

They threw themselves at the door but were repelled by a golden barrier. Medea created infinite magical circles and attacked without hesitation, but the barrier didn't even show signs that it was going to fall.

"I won't give up!" Medea shouted, tears in her eyes and continued to attack the barrier.

Arms surrounded Medea's waist from her back, forcing her to stop attacking.

"Let me go!" Medea shouted hysterically.

"It makes no sense for you to continue, we will not be able to break down the barrier even with the power of the two together" Semiramis tried to calm Medea.

"No, I have to get him out of there!" Semiramis' words had no effect on her.

"STOP NOW!" Semiramis shouted at her.

Medea stopped when she heard the cry of Semiramis. She turned and looked at Semiramis' face, she gave Medea an impotent smile as tears fell down her face.

They both hugged each other while waiting for Jason not to get hurt.

Inside the training room, two women also hugged. After a long embrace they separated.

Nekohime looked at her mother with longing and her mother gave her a loving, maternal look back.

"Mother, how are you here? It is impossible for this realm to endure your presence without destroying itself" Nekohime asked her in doubt.

"My silly little girl, this is just a trace of me that I left inside your body for when you lost your virginity" Nekohime's mother stroked her daughter's hair.

Nekohime blushed and started playing with her fingers to calm her nerves. Her mother saw this and laughed slightly.

"You don't have to explain it, remember I've already seen it all" Nekohime's mother said with obvious happiness in her voice.

The matriarch of the clan then turned her attention to Jason, he was still suffering a fearsome pain all over his body.

"Now, this is a test for him. Let's see how much of the blessing he can endure"

"Mother, what do you mean?" Nekohime was curious about her mother's blessing.

"You left too soon, I didn't have time to tell you anything about our clan" The matriarch sighed.

"Apart from the characteristic that we can absorb the natural energy within our clan, we are also known for the blessing of Bastet or how it is called on the outside the curse of Bastet.

"What is this blessing?"

"Have you ever wondered why there is only one individual in each generation of our family? You and your sister are different because you are twins" The matriarch asked Nekohime.

"I have never asked myself, does this have to do with blessing?" Nekohime replied.

"Yes, women in our family can only have sex with a man who has not gone through Bastet's blessing when they lose their virginity.

Once we lose our virginity, they receive our virgin yin and go through a kind of baptism in which they can acquire special powers, although we do not yet know what powers they are.

The problem is that this trial is very hard and so far all the men who have received the blessing have died, that is why it is known as the curse of Bastet".


"Yes, Jason is going through Bastet's blessing now." The matriarch answered her daughter's questions.

"Then, will he die?" Nekohime asked her, she was worried about Jason.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen with me here."

Nekohime nodded, but the concern within her didn´t fade.

Jason continued to howl in pain and seemed not to end soon. Nekohime and the matriarch could see the veins all over his body that were shining with a golden light.

Jason felt like he was going to burn. He had never felt such infernal pain.

The pain was gone. Jason opened his eyes and found himself in a blank space.

"Where am I?" Jason wondered.

Silence was the only answer to his question. Jason didn't know what to do at the time.

A light blinded Jason.

"What is this?"

It took Jason some time to adjust to the new light. When he could see, he did notice the sun in front of him.

A huge mass of golden fire was in front of Jason. Jason recognized this mass of fire in an instant.


"Welcome, lower creature." An ancestral voice rang in Jason's head.

"Are you the sun in front of me?" Jason asked.

"I'm not the sun, I'm just a representation of the star Sirius. I am the one who will carry out the Blessing of Bastet" The voice sounded in Jason's head.

Jason frowned when he heard about this "blessing", his instincts warn him that this was going to be troublesome.

"What do you want from me?"Jason asked Sirius.

"You have to go through a trial to receive the blessing, you just have to survive the trial"

The voice this time didn't sound inside Jason's head. Jason squinted and saw a woman coming out of the sun.

Jason opened his eyes dazed, the woman was so much like Nekohime that he could confuse her as her older sister. Jason shook those thoughts from his mind as Nekohime had already told him that she and her sister were twins.

"Are you ready for the trial?" The woman asked Jason.

Jason's expression became serious.

"Explain to me how the trial works."

The woman smiled when she heard Jason, she looked at him with appreciation.

(With this question alone is much better than many arrogant fools who have gone through the test before) The woman thought.

"The test is simple: The star Sirius will enter your body, you will have to try to control it or it will control you" The woman explained to Jason.

"What if it controls me?" Jason asked the woman.

"You will become ashes, not even a mixture of dragon and Ashura can avoid that fate against the star Sirius" The woman answered Jason's question.

Jason trembled when he learned that the woman had seen through him. She seemed weak but Jason knew that if he tried to do something against her, his only destiny would be death.

"I can' t refuse this, can I?" Jason smiled helplessly.

"No, this is the fate of any man who takes the virginity of a Bastet woman" The woman smiled at Jason.

Jason inhaled and exhaled. He was filled with determination and looked at the woman.

"I'm ready."

"All right."

The huge gold fireball shrank to the size of a golf ball. The woman lifted one hand and the small fireball moved to the top of the hand.

She gestured forward with her hand and the ball advanced in the direction of Jason. The closer the ball was, the hotter Jason felt.

The ball arrived in front of Jason and Jason's mouth was forcibly opened. The ball then entered the throat and went down to Jason's stomach.