You also have people who depend on you

It wasn't long before Tobio found the Mafia barracks on the Greek island. He carefully infiltrated until he reached the chief's office.

"How's business on the island?" The boss was on the phone.

Tobio took the opportunity to enter the room and hid from the chief's view.

"I see."

He took out his scythe hidden in the shadows and approached the leader from behind.

"Well, report back next week."

The boss said goodbye to the person he was talking to. Tobio put the edge of the scythe in his throat. The mafia boss was surprised, but he wasn't frightened at all.

"An assassin? No, an assassin would have killed me by now." The mafia boss murmured.

As if he wasn't about to be killed, the boss took a cigar out of his pocket and lit it.

"Who are you, and what do you have against me?" The boss asked calmly.

"You have to die. The mafia is something that doesn't have to exist in the world. Don't take it personally."

The mafia boss nodded. He spoke again after taking a puff.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Kill me then, why do you doubt?"

"I'm not doubting. I'm just leaving you a few more moments of life."

The mob boss sighed.

"Your hand trembles, obviously you're doubting. Is this the first time you've killed someone?"

"No, I've killed someone before." Tobio tried to sound confident.

(Not while I was conscious) Tobio thought.

The mafia boss took another puff.

"I see, then you've never killed anyone. Should I be honored to be first?"

The mob boss turned around.

"Well, well. You're just a kid, what are you doing playing at being a murderer?"

Tobio clenched his teeth and brought the scythe to the boss's neck, giving him a shallow cut.

"Why do you want to kill me?"

"I've met a couple of fishermen. They can barely live because you buy their fish at an inhuman price. If they set up a stall, yours will destroy it. How can citizens survive like this?"

The mafia boss nodded and took another puff. He threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

"Kill me then."

"Aren't you afraid of death?

The mob boss laughed.

"Of course, I'm afraid. But I accepted a long time ago that I could die, now that the time has come I can only face it face to face. Come on, kid, do it. But please don't regret your actions. These will mark your life forever, boy."

Tobio closed his eyes and... Slash! He cut off the head of the mafia boss. He opened his eyes again to see the body of the headless mafia boss.

"Guarghh" Tobio vomited at the sight of the blood. The feeling of killing someone was much worse than Tobio had thought.

The mafia boss had not given him any explanation for his actions with the mafia. He hadn't begged for his life at any time either. He had only asked why and asked him not to repent later.

Without understanding the reactions of the mafia boss and without thinking much about them, Tobio returned to the place where he had separated from Jason. It had only been one hour of the two that Jason had given as a limit.

Tobio was surprised to see that Jason was still in the same place as before.

"Are you done yet?"

Tobio nodded.

"It's okay. Come on. I want to show you something."

Tobio followed Jason through the streets of the village and went out to the suburbs where the poor lived. There, a small brick house was barely maintained. Jason jumped on top of the roof of the house, and Tobio followed.

Tobio saw Jason pointing to a hole in the roof and bent down to look at what was going on inside.

There, Perseus and his father dined with an older woman, a woman of the same age as Perseus, and a small boy about five years old. Their dinner was simple and consisted of fish, bread, and water.

"A united and happy family. They struggle to survive and thrive. They complain that they could live better, but they still enjoy what life has to offer. It's true that they could live better if the mafia let them keep their fish stall, but the opposite could also happen." Jason told Tobio.

"How could the opposite happen?"

"There's one detail you haven't grasped. The mafia buys every single fish the day they catch it. It's true that they pay less, but they buy them all. That wouldn't be the case if they set up their own business, understand?"

Tobio's face darkened.

"The mafia controls the whole town; it's true. But it also takes care of the people, and it covers everyone's basic needs."

Jason watched Tobio. The boy kept looking at the scene that was going on inside the house.

"Come on. We have to go somewhere else."

Tobio got up and followed Jason.

This time they came to the center of town, to the most luxurious house. Jason entered through a window of the building, and Tobio followed him.

They sneaked in and walked through the house. Tobio didn't know where they were going until he heard noises from a nearby room. The door was slightly open, so both could see what was going on inside.

A well-dressed man in a suit knelt in front of a woman and 10-year-old girl. The two were crying as they hugged.

"They are the wife and daughter of the boss. He should be dining with them at this hour, just like Perseus' family. But as you know, he is dead. Now they have become a widow and a little girl whose father they killed."

Tobio's face paled. Nausea returned, and he felt like crying blood.

"He was the head of the mafia, but he was also husband and father. He was also a son, nephew, cousin, and uncle. He was a criminal, but not a bad person."

Tobio was about to fall to his knees when Jason grabbed him so he wouldn't make a sound. Jason took him out of the building and led him to a deserted open field.

"Why did you make me kill him?" Tobio faintly asked Jason.

"You're wrong, I've never ordered you anything. It was your own decision."

Tobio's face lost its life.

"Sigh, the boss has told you not to regret it. Won't you honor that wish?"

"Have you watched?" Tobio asked.

"All the time."

Tobio didn't say anything, Jason didn't say anything. Silence enveloped the open space.

"You were envious to see that family, weren't you? Perseus' family. It reminded you of your childhood before your parents and grandmother died."

Tobio remained unanswered.

"This is the path you have chosen as the shadow. In the future, you will have to kill many more, and they will also have relatives and loved ones who depend on them. When the time comes, you shouldn't hesitate, because they won't either when they face you. Remember that you also have people who depend on you."

"Sae..." Tobio's eyes regained their brightness.

Jason's lips were slightly curved.

"You seem to get it. This training is over; let's go back."

Tobio nodded.

The magic circle wrapped them up, and they appeared in Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

"You can rest for today," Jason told Tobio.

Jason then went to see how Vali was doing. He had spent two hours with Tobio, which should be about two days for the young Lucifer.

Jason wanted to see if Vali had gone to rest, but he surprised him again as he continued to train diligently. The blood-stained his clothes, but he didn't seem to have any severe injuries. Jason also looked at him with his death eyes to see if there was anything wrong, but he couldn't find anything strange.

Jason then went to see how the rest were doing.