Chapter Eleven: Making Friends!

"A-android Eight, please." I spoke in a "weak" voice. This seemed to connect with him fully, as he had been resisting his programming already. Eighter dropped me and took a few stumbling steps back as he looked around the room for seemingly the first time.

Eighter looked to me and finally spoke, "I'm sorry little one, I don't want to hurt you… I don't want to hurt anyone." His head dropped in sadness as he finished his thought.

"It's fine, I knew you didn't want to choke me. I could tell you were resisting your programming." I spoke with care, "By the way, what should I call you? I don't want to just refer to you as Android Eight…"

Eighter looked at me with happiness as I told him this, but then thoughtfulness as he tried to think of a name for himself. "I'm not sure, what is your name?" He asked.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. Hello there, I'm Son Hikari." I did a small bow. "I think I've come up with a name if you wouldn't mind?"

"Oh no, I don't mind. What have you thought up?"

"What about, Eighter?"

His face contorted as he thought about it, before grinning. "I like it, Eighter… Eighter!" He began to laugh.

I just stood by and watched with a smile, Eighter deserves at least this much for Gero's horrible subjugation programming. I still think Gero's a fucking idiot for how he designed these androids, but at least with his half-assed shit, it isn't too hard to break his androids out of it.

I continued to play with Eighter and introduced him to that village nearby that I forgot the name of. Leaving said village in his care, I left on my way to find the Dragon Balls again. Since I had already destroyed the main base, I don't have to worry about the Red Ribbon Army anymore. It's finished.

I was flying at high speeds now, finding the Dragon Balls was the top priority at this point as I had a very important wish to make. I needed to speed up time, and I had an idea for how I might do that. The Earth Dragon Balls don't have the necessary power to grant me the wish I really want, but they can give me the ability to breathe in space. The only other ability I would actually need then is to be able to travel between universes.

I already had five of them, picking up the sixth from a field of wheat just now, so now I just needed to find the last one. It wasn't very hard to get these since no one else was gunning for them at this point in time. Thankfully the last ball seems to be just over the mountain to the side of this field. Making my way over it in less than a second I pinpoint the location from my radar and drop near a tree. Looking up, I notice the ball is in a birds nest.

"How in the fuck?" Was the only thing I could say. I mean seriously, these things blasted up at high speeds, yet one of them somehow didn't fuck this tree upon impact. Whatever, I grab it and decide it's time to visit the old green wise man on the space elevator type tower.

'Actually, I'll probably stop at Korin's first.' With that thought, my aura burst out and I sped into the air.

Scaring the cat was fun, he couldn't see me coming. Yea he could sense me, but it doesn't really matter if you can't see the person until he stops right in front of you. I had a talk with him, got some beans, went down to drink the spirit water, fucking chugged that shit like a boss. Then I passed out from the pain.

"Wake up kid," I heard a faint voice. "Seriously, wake up, Kami wants to see you."

I opened my eyes to see Korin standing over me with a piece of paper. After getting up, he handed me the apparent letter and I found that Kami wanted to meet me in person and to come up and see him.

"I was planning on doing that, but since he requested me I think I just don't want to know." I said, crossing my arms with a 'hmph.'

"Kid, just go up and see him, I don't want to deal with him if you don't go up there."

"Oh, fiiiiiine." I moaned dramatically as I stood up. I started to float slowly over the edge of Korins Platform and up to Kami's Lookout. "Bye, ya crazy cat."


I kept a very slow pace as I opened up my Stats. Finding a couple of notifications

Due to the consumption of [Ultra Divine Water], You have gained two [Traits]

[Godly Presence]

You have gained a touch of God Ki, it is unknown how this will affect you.

[Power of Gods]

Your body has recognized the differences of God Ki from anything else you have access to and has thus gained the ability to produce it. You have gained GKi(God Ki).

New Menu


All Traits will be placed under this category and you will now have a menu for purchasing Traits as well.

Oh… neat, guess this is how I'm going to access God Forms then. I also seem to have instinctual knowledge on how to use the new reservoir of God Ki too. I guess getting that water first was a good idea. Now I just need to deal with the old man.

The slow float upwards had reached its peak as I landed on the edge of the Lookout. Finishing up my look through my stats, I closed all the windows and walked forwards. Kami was standing at the entrance of the building, apparently waiting for me since he sent that notice down to Korin.

"Hello there young one, I hope you liked the view from the tower as you came up." Kami had spoken first. "I just wished to speak with the most powerful being on the planet face to face."

Oh, so Kami must have sensed me before I learned to suppress my energy output… shit. Oh well, I'll roll with it. "I didn't think you would notice me, old man, I learned to suppress myself in an effort to avoid contact with you… until now that is. I actually need a favor from you." I said as I approached him.

"And what favor would that be…?"

"My name's Hikari, Son Hikari. I plan to become the Earth's protector in the future. I need training, and I have reached a peak in this world. I was wondering if you could take me to King Yenma, and help me convince him to let me train with King Kai."

His face seemed to drop a little as he heard my request. "How do you know of Otherworld already? For someone so young to know of it is… disheartening."

"I know many things, like the fact that there is something called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber through the doors behind you…"

His eyes widened as I spoke about another thing I should not be able to know in any way. "Alright, I can safely assume that if you wanted to, you already would have caused mayhem all over the planet. I deem you worthy of this chance, take my hand and I will take us to Otherworld."

I took his outstretched hand and felt my body be moved in a very spectacular way, it was like being disassembled and reassembled… wait, did Kami know some form of Instant Movement? No need to think about that now, we were in front of King Yenma.

"Ah, Kami, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Yenma's voice boomed.

"King Yenma, I have brought someone with me," He gestured to me. "I wish for permission to allow him on Snake Way for training with King Kai," Kami spoke, quite eloquently and with great respect.

"I see, I feel he is a powerful warrior… Very well, he may take the path of Snake Way." He said, bringing down his gavel with a 'Slam!'"

I can't resist it, I really can't. "Is that desk made of mahogany?" Everyone turned to look at me. "... what?"

"It is in fact, thank you for noticing," Yenma said with pride.

Knew it.

Kami gave me his usual spiel about how I shouldn't fall off the path otherwise I would go straight to Hell, and I took off. Flying mind you, I'm much more powerful than Goku was at this point. Actually, I think I'm near his power level from his fight with Nappa and Vegeta. Neat.

It took about an hour before I could just barely see the planet in the distance, which was approaching quite fa- Oh, I'm here. Dropping down on the surface, I saw King Kai already coming out of his house. I walked up to him and outstretched a hand.

"Hello there, the name's Hikari, Son Hikari. I'm here for Martial Arts Training with permission from King Yenma."

King Kai took my hand and spoke. "Welcome to my planet Hikari, my name is King Kai. I think I will train you, but first," His smile turned to a grin. "You'll have to make me laugh."

"Oh, well, I do know a lot of good jokes, but most of are quite offensive and dark. As that is my sense of humor." I say in quiet shame. It was true, my sense of humor was very dark and contained many offensive remarks. I didn't know if those were ok to say to him.

"That's fine, just give me a joke you don't think is too dark or offensive. It doesn't matter if it's corny either."

"So, A woman sold her car for some cash"


"For Gas Money!"


"Wanna hear the longest joke in the world?"

"Of course!"

"A fish swimming down a stream spots a fly flying right over him. The fish thinks, "If that fly drops six inches, I can jump and catch that fly." A bear sees the fish that sees the fly. The bear thinks, "If that fly drops six inches, the fish will jump to catch the fly and I can catch the fish." A hunter sees the bear that sees the fish that sees the fly. The hunter thinks, "If the fly drops six inches, the fish will jump to catch the fly, the bear will catch the fish, and I can shoot the bear." A mouse sees the hunter that sees the bear that sees the fish that sees the fly. The mouse thinks, "If the fly drops six inches, the fish will jump to catch the fly, the bear will catch the fish, the hunter will shoot the bear, and I can get the cheese in the hunter's lunch." A cat sees the mouse that sees the hunter that sees the bear that sees the fish that sees the fly. The cat thinks, "If the fly drops six inches, the fish will jump to catch the fly, the bear will catch the fish, the hunter will shoot the bear, the mouse will get the cheese, and I can catch the mouse."

The fly dropped six inches.

The fish caught the fly, the bear caught the fish, the hunter shot the bear, the mouse got the cheese, and the cat pounced for the mouse but missed, tumbled, and landed in the stream.

Moral of the story: Every time a fly drops six inches, a pussy is sure to get wet!"

With the end of my joke, I sat and watched as King Kai tried to keep his composure… and failed. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAH Ohhh, ohhh, hahaha, that's great. I've never heard that one before. Sure I'll train you Hikari."

"Thank you, King Kai."

His smile turns devious. "Then let's begin right away!"