Chapter 1: Beginning of Pain

On day 14 on the month of february, a teen age boy named Albert was lying in his bed covering himself with a soft blanket

Albert is a hardworking person yet his a bit of a cold hearted one. Everyday he always late waking up, this change started when her last girlfriend broke up with her

When Albert's alarm clock rings, he quickly got up and looked at the time

"Jeez, i'm late again i gotta hurry" Albert said to himself

So down he goes downstairs

"Morning Albert, sorry i didn't woke you up, i'm scared you might hurt me just like what happened last time"

"Last time?" Albert asked puzzled

"Yes Albert,every day you always drink liquors,you take more than 9 bottles and most of the time you got yourself out of control"

"Oh sorry Jane... i didn't mean to frighten you..."

"It's okay, i understand your situation, getting over your past is not easy..." Jane said to comfort Albert

Jane and Albert are living in the same house. Jane is kind and understanding person, she is also Albert's childhood friend, no wonder they are so close

When Albert finished his meal he picked up his phone, I.D. and things for work rushing outside without Jane noticing

As soon as Albert reached the restuarant where he was working, a woman suddenly bumped him when his about to open the glass door

"Sorry it's my fault i wasn't looking, i'm really sorry"

"Next time watch out!"

"F-forgive me it won't happen next time..." as the woman went away, Albert went inside to do his task as a Waiter and a Dishwasher

In the late afternoon when the restaurant has closed, Albert is fixing his things to go home, but then he heard his work mates talking about going out on a date before Valentines day ends

"Lovers bonding? Such a waste of money" Albert telling himself while leaving the restaurant

When Albert is walking he stopped by the park and sat down a bench

"Why did you leave me?...w-what mistake have i done?..." Albert then began to cry

Then a woman came by and asked Albert

"Umm...excuse me, who are you talking to? theres actually no other people around that is here with you"


"Me?..." as the woman seemed puzzled

"Your the one who just bumped me in the early morning...J-just leave me alone..." Albert said and wiped his tears off

"Oh...sorry about that earlier, i can see you are encountering something today, if i'm not wrong your experiencing depression"

"Depression!?, Shut Up I'm Not Sick Okay!!!"

"Depression is not sickness but a health problem inside your heart and mind"

"Who are you really!? Why can't you just leave me!?"

"My name is Sylvia and it's my obligation as a pyschologist to help"

"Well in that case your not helping" Albert stood up and about to walk away, Sylvia pulled his hand and gave something to him

"If you need help heres my number and address" then Sylvia went away allready

Albert was looking at the contact card and then he leaved

When Albert arrived home he heared someone talking in the living room so right away he goes and then he saw Jane and Margus

Margus is Jane's suitor, he has a rude attitude but sometimes his also a life saver, he won't do a good act unless Jane tells him to. Margus hates Albert but Albert don't seem to care even Margus insults him

"Jane, i'll go out tonight, take care of the house while i'm gone"

"Albert don't tell me your heading to the bar again?"

"Just let the guy go and think of his worst past" as Margus meddled the conversation

Albert take a bit of a negative stare to Margus then he went upstairs to change clothes

"Margus can you stop it! can't you see that his trying to move on" Jane exclaimed to Margus

"Alright, i won't say a word to him next time"

Before Jane could check Albert out in his room, Albert already walked on the backdoor of the house

Albert usually go out without saying a word to Jane

When Albert was at the bar he ordered a bottle of Rums, another and another and another, then later on a guy came and sitted next to Albert

"Hey!, seems like you got money there why don't you give me a treat"

"I don't just order drinks to anyone, second of all i don't know you so get the hell out of here"

"I'm Richer, i'm a gangster in this town so don't you ever think of messing up on me"

"Well by your name your already rich so why won't you help yourself buying your own cocktail"

"You know" Richer stood up and grabbed Albert "i mostly hate people who answers me in a wrong way"

"I wish you also know i hate people who hurt me" Albert picked up a bottle of Whisky and smashed it to Richer

So on and on Albert and Richer is fighting with each other until the cops came in. Richer run away and Albert soon followed

As Richer is climbing a fence Albert pulled him so Richer fell down and broke his leg, quickly Albert climb over the fence and went away, he turned back for a moment and saw Richer being arrested by the police officers

In that cold night Albert is walking alone in the road, he was feeling dizzy and suddenly he collapsed

He felt someone picked him up, After a day...

"W-where am i?..." Albert asked wanted to know where he was

Then a familiar voice to Albert replied

"Your here at home"


"Yes Albert its me"

"H-how did i even get here?"

"Well...yesterday i am actually worried your not yet home so i asked Margus to help me find you, while on the road we found you...unconcsiously. I told Margus to take you to the hospital because of your severe wounds but he suggested its better to take you home, he carried you to his car and drove off..."

Albert was silent and then Margus came by

"I guess his awake, i have to go now"

"Okay, thanks again Margus"

"Just for you" Margus tried to impress Jane by his words and went off

"Margus is just taking orders from you, why don't you two just be together?" as Albert tried to ask and tease Jane but instead Jane never minded Albert