Not you again

Instead of sorrow Shin Ji's heart filled with happiness.

"Finally the day came I am away with those as*****.!"

IN THE excitement of this she forget to pack her stuff and left about half of the needed material at home.

At the Hearst School

Shin ji excited for her first day and new classmates and new year but her happiness was cut through when she realized no seat left for sitting except that at the front and with her.

"You gotta be kidding me man Not you again, Poi!"

She took her seat next to her and her face turned green.

well Shin ji broke the silence between them and asked who is there teachers of particular subjects while her 3rd language period was going on and when Shin Ji burst out in surprise" he is our teacher?"

She was shock and didn't realized what happened when Poi made her feel embarrassed by shouting what's wrong with him!! An urge of beating Poi to death came up in her mind the moment Poi shouted at her but kept her hands to herselves.

During the lunch Shin ji feeling lonely turned her way to meet Mo, she went their and saw the rest being happy she didn't interfere them when her basketball team member Sim reached her out.

"tomorrow we go for practise"


"Come with me then"

Shin Ji finally moved with her away from Mo.

While they were moving shin ji realized that Sim was entering the same class and asked her is she in the same class Sim was shocked

"you didn't saw me, no problem let's get going".

In the the class Shin ji realized their were bunch of stupid jerks their to whom she didn't wanna to talk. The rest of day the went by and next day being done with Poi's nonesense Shin ji burst out on her new classmates! now what's gonna happen?