This is of extra level, right?

Shin ji in her class sitting alone when she was been called by the hot guy sitting beside her she could not reject it and took a seat next to him and they had a lot of fun.

after a few periods going on their came an substitution she sat their alone and watched Shaun and Ryan having fun at an extreme level with different language you can say abusive and didn't like it for very few days she controlled after that bang that got themselves in a fight when Shaun stood up and left her.

" wait where are you going?"

" you sit their as you are having a lot of problem with me enjoying with my friends!"

" that's not what I meant, you idiot!" without another word Shaun went and took a seat beside Ryan sitting just a bit away from shin ji.

Shin ji with her head lowered realized that someone is whisphering in her ears and it turns out to be Sim. she asked her to shift so that she can sit with Shin ji.

what a coincidence both had fight with the guys close to them.

The whole making so much noise that the teacher from section came to stop them and complained to their class teacher. what's she gonna do now was the only question going through the pals mind but instead they realised that their teacher not that strict too Shin ji felt relaxed but in the end she said " I'll be changing your seats!"

Means who does that in now a days!!