Chapter 10: Shameful Moment for White Lotus

Wang Fu Ya lowered her head and bit her lips bitterly. Everyone seemed to look at her. She wanted everyone's attention, but not something like this.

Her classmates were looking at her hatefully. The teacher looked at her with a disappointed look.

All her good reputation was ruined. 'Ruined by this slut.' She looked up straight at Yu Qi. Her hate for Yu Qi increased.

Yu Qi was also looking at her provocatively. The corner of her lips curved a little up. She was no longer the Kind Yu Qi in the past. She would never bend to this white lotus anymore.

"Miss Wang Fu Ya, do you admit that you stole her essay and wrote your name on it?" Teacher Guan finally spoke after a moment of silence for confirmation.

Wang Fu Ya did not answer that question. She could not admit it because her reputation would totally be ruined by it. But she could not deny it either because Yu Qi had the proof claiming that was her essay.

Teacher Guan sighed. This student, Wang Fu Ya was a good student. Whether in study or in attitude. She did not expect Wang Fu Ya would do something like this. But the proof was telling the truth.

"Miss Wang Fu Ya and Miss Wang Yu Qi, please follow me to the Staff's room. As for others, please self-study." Teacher Guan collected all the paper and walked out of the classroom.

Yu Qi and Wang Fu Ya followed behind the teacher. Yu Qi walked in a relaxed mood. While Wang Fu Ya walked with anxiety. She turned toward Yu Qi. 'This bitch was even smiling right now.'

Yu Qi caught that Wang Fu Ya stole a glance at her. She turned to Wang Fu Ya and made a cold icy smile.

Wang Fu Ya was feeling shocked and fearful. She felt like someone holding a knife at her neck from behind when she saw Yu Qi smiling at her. Suddenly, she felt like walking into the tiger's den. They arrived at the Staff's room.

"Two of you go and wait in that room. I will see you later." The teacher ordered meanwhile her finger showed the room.

Yu Qi and Wang Fu Ya entered that room together. Silence. Nobody wanted to talk. Yu Qi lazily sat on the sofa inside that room.

"Why are you doing this?" A last, Wang Fu Ya could not stand the silence and asked.

"What?" Yu Qi played the dumb.

"This whole situation. Why are you doing this to me? My reputation is ruined by you." Wang Fu Ya pressed her voice firmly.

"I am just doing the right thing. If I did not tell them the whole thing, I will be the one who has been punished by the teacher." Yu Qi pointed out the obvious fact.

"But with this, my reputation...And also I'm your sister," stated Wang Fu Ya.

"Then, let me ask you. Do you think of me as your sister? Does the sister use her sister to do her own things? Do you care about my reputation? You never cared about my reputation. Then why should I care about your reputation?" Yu Qi narrowed her eyes and made an icy smile.

'That's smile again.' Wang Fu Ya shivered. She stepped back from Yu Qi. She felt that the current Yu Qi could jump onto her and kill her.

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...