Chapter 29: The Agreement

The restaurant was full of customers. The food kept coming out from the kitchen to be served to the customers. Yu Qi was one of the waitresses who served the customers.

Outside the restaurant, Madam Wang and Wang Fu Ya prepared themselves to enter the restaurant. Tonight's plan has to succeed. They smiled. They were confident with their plan. That bitch will not be free from their accusations. Then they will get the money.

"Where is Yu Qi? I want to see her." The loud voice of Madam Wang makes the noisy restaurant become quiet.

Everyone was looking at Madam Wang. Behind her, Wang Fu Ya followed, entering the restaurant. Yu Qi narrowed her eyes. No good ever came from these two humans. Yu Qi approached them. She was eyeing them with cold eyes.

"I'm here. Why do you want to see me?" asked Yu Qi.

"Return the money that you stole." Madam Wang began to accuse her.

Yu Qi's face did not make any changes. She still had a blank expression on her face. It seems that the accusation from Madam Wang was nothing to her.

"Do you hear me? Return our money." Madam Wang stated it twice.

"Your money? What money?" Yu Qi still did not get Madam Wang's plan.

"You stole our money and ask me what money? Little bitch." Madam Wang started to curse her.

"Mother, calm down. We here just want Yu Qi to return our money, that's all. I don't want mum to get sick too." Wang Fu Ya rubbed her mother's back. She then looked at Yu Qi and continued. "Sis, please return the money you stole from us. Our father and sister are injured. We need the money to bring them to get some treatment."

"As I said, what money? I did not steal money. Why are you accusing me when I already left your house?" Yu Qi still needs some information to confirm something. She assumed that she could guess what this duo wanted to do.

"Mum kept some money for an emergency at someplace. Mum said only you knew about it since mum told you about it. Even I don't know about it." Wang Fu Ya made a sad face. "Today our father and sister are injured. Mum went to get the money and found out the money was already missing. Mum didn't check the money for a long time. So, we think....." Wang Fu Ya really went into character.

"So, you all think I stole it." She made an icy laugh while staring straight into Wang Fu Ya's eyes.

Wang Fu Ya instantly shivered. She could feel that Yu Qi saw through their plan. But she could not give up now. This plan must succeed.

"And then, you think that I left your house because I stole your money." Yu Qi told the rest of their plan.

Wang Fu Ya's face slightly changed her expression but it was just for a minute. However, Yu Qi caught it.

"Please, sis. Return the money to us. Father and sister need that money." Wang Fu Ya started to cry.

"Then may I know how much money I stole from you?" It was a normal question but Wang Fu Ya got a strange feeling from it.

But Madam Wang did not seem to get it. Her greed showed on her face. Quickly she answered that question.

"One thousand." A slightly excited tone can be heard in her voice.

Wang Fu Ya frowned. 'This plan might be ruined by mum.' She could not afford that. However, the response from Yu Qi surprised her.

"Okay. Wait for a minute. I will get it upstairs." Yu Qi turned and went upstairs.

Everyone was shocked. That Yu Qi really stole the money from her ex-foster family. Madam Wang felt very happy with this.

The plan was successful. That bitch did not have anything to say but to obey it. Madam Wang turned and looked at her daughter. 'My daughter is very clever.'

Wang Fu Ya keeps getting a strange feeling like something will happen. It was very weird because Yu Qi seemed to surrender without fighting.

After a few minutes of thinking, she began to accept Yu Qi's surrender. Maybe Yu Qi doesn't have any explanation for this. She started to make a small smile.

Yu Qi showed up with two envelopes. A big one and a small one. Firstly, she opened the big one and gave the document inside it to Madam Wang. Madam Wang felt confused with this document.

"If you don't understand, you can give them to your daughter to read them." Yu Qi made a gesture toward Wang Fu Ya.

Madam Wang gave them to Wang Fu Ya. Wang Fu Ya started to read it. It stated in the document that Yu Qi will give 10,000 to them and just this once. If the Wang Family tried to get some money from her again, Yu Qi could reject it and take proper legal action. Please sign below if you agreed with this.

Those two only saw the amount that Yu Qi will give to them. 10,000. It was a very big amount. Wang Fu Ya made her mother sign this document quickly. She was afraid Yu Qi would change her mind. Madam Wang signed it and gave the document to Yu Qi.

Yu Qi saw the expression on their faces. It's almost like a dog waiting for its master to play with it. She took a small envelope and gave it to Madam Wang.

"You can go to that room and calculate the amount. If you calculate it here, people might want to steal that money." Yu Qi made a small whisper to Wang Fu Ya.

Wang Fu Ya then asked her mother to follow her. They went to the room that Yu Qi pointed out. They took out the money from the envelope and smiled when they saw the money.

"Mum, I told you. That bitch is now very rich. She can give this amount of money in the blink of an eye. She might have more. Don't calculate it. Just tell her it's enough. The moment the money is out, we can tell her, the amount that she gives to us is not the right amount. We can get more money from her." Wang Fu Ya happily made a plan to get more money from Yu Qi.

She seemed to forget the agreement that they already signed before. They went out and want to go home.

"Thank you, Sis, for returning our money. I hope you will stop it." Wang Fu Ya did not forget to accuse her of stealing the money one more time.

"Why do you want to return first? Wait. I have something to tell you." Yu Qi's statement held them from going home.

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...