Chapter 40: A Living Adonis

"You really buy this blood jade..." Feng Yue could not believe that Yu Qi spent so much money on that blood jade.

"Yeah. Because I really like jade. Especially blood jade." Yu Qi was fond of blood jade.

Feng Yue shut herself up when she saw the look on Yu Qi's face. Long Hui still followed the two girls. The two girls seemed to forget his existence. He made some coughs to notify the ladies.

"Brother Hui, I actually forget you are here." Feng Yue said while Yu Qi did not make any sound.

Feng Yue excused herself to buy some refreshments. Yu Qi stayed alone with Long Hui. Actually, she did not want to stay with him but Yu Qi did not want Long Hui to think that she was afraid of him.

"Where did you learn to shoot a gun?" Long Hui broke the silence between them.

Yu Qi was surprised when Long Hui decided to ask her about that right now. She could not lie to someone who was in the military. He probably knew that.

"And what does it have to do with you?" Yu Qi did not want to admit it.

Long Hui narrowed his eyes making his charming face become more and more charming. "It has nothing to do with me but Feng Yue is my beloved cousin. I just don't want her to get hurt."

Yu Qi swallowed her own saliva. 'This man was a living Adonis. Girls will surround him to make him their own.' She silently prayed for this man's safety.

Long Hui kept feeling weird when he talked to Yu Qi. It seemed he felt like talking with a mature woman, not a teenage girl.

"Don't worry, I will not bring any danger to her. I will protect her." Yu Qi made a vow.

Long Hui frowned. That is not what he means. 'Why did she think like that? She's also a girl.'

"Then tell me, where did you learn about shooting?" The same question had been thrown to Yu Qi.

'This man still didn't give up. Better give him a convincing answer. Otherwise, he would keep questioning her.

"Actually, it is my first time holding a gun. But I did learn about it. I sneaked into the military camp near the mountain where I was living. Well, I can't say anything else if you don't believe me."

Long Hui still did not believe it but he decided to drop the topic since Feng Yue was already here.

Feng Yue brought some refreshments and gave some to Yu Qi and Long Hui. "What are you guys talking about earlier?"

Long Hui and Yu Qi stared at each other again. Seeing that this situation seemed to turn into rose bubbles, Feng Yue smiled foolishly. She never thought her Brother Hui, who hated women besides his family would be interested in Yu Qi.

"Guys, I'm still here." Feng Yue gave a reminder.

Both of them were startled and broke eye contact.

"I just asked about your behavior in your new school, that's all." Long Hui gave an answer.

"Hey, I'm well-behaved, okay. Humph."

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help.