Chapter 66 : Their Lady Boss

After school, Yu Qi went to the mountain. She wanted to look at the land that she brought. It might give her some idea about the design. Well, it was part of her aim today to go to the mountain. The truth was she wanted to pull out Aoi of her space.

She wanted to get him out yesterday but Bo Ya reminded her about something. Grandpa Tang, and Uncle Song will be wondering where this dog came from. It might bring chaos later.

So, Bo Ya suggested that Yu Qi went to the mountain and get Aoi out of her space. It would be an excuse where Yu Qi found that puppy. She just could say that she picked up the puppy in the mountain and decided to take care of him.

She entered the space after seeing the land. Bo Ya and Aoi jumped excitedly when they saw Yu Qi appear. Yu Qi came and hugged the two cuties in front of her.

"I want to go to take my lesson. Do you want to follow me, Bo Ya, Aoi?"

Bo Ya "Yes."

Aoi "Woof."

Yu Qi "Come."

The two cuties followed beside Yu Qi. The cute boy and the cute puppy. Ah, how cute. She could die from the cuteness of these two cuties. She went to take a lesson about herbs for an hour and enter the practice room to make some medicine from the herbs that she learned before. Aoi also took part. He listened to the lecture given. Yu Qi thought he might understand because he was not a normal dog. He could understand what Yu Qi and Bo Ya said. And most important evidence that proved this dog was not normal was the blood contact that he established when he bit Yu Qi.

Then Yu Qi went to the training room. She did some training in her martial arts and her shooting skill. Aoi seemed like he wanted to follow Yu Qi. However, Yu Qi prohibited him. She considered him a puppy. He indeed needed some training but it could wait until he became a little bigger first.

After finishing all her routine, she decided to visit the farm. The fresh fruit and vegetables looked very delicious to Yu Qi. It attracted Yu Qi. Then her stomach was growling. Bo Ya who listened to it laughed.

"Master, you can eat them if you are hungry."

Yu Qi also laughed when she heard her own stomach growling. She took some violet colour grapes and ate them. The sweetness of the grapes was very delicious. Aoi looked at Yu Qi. He seemed to taste the grapes.

"You want some?" Yu Qi said to Aoi.

"Woof," Aoi answered.

"Here. Have a taste." Yu Qi put some of the grapes in front of Aoi.

Aoi ate them. He looked very happy when the grapes entered his mouth.

"You are not a normal dog if you like fruits." Yu Qi patted his head. His fur was very soft to the touch.

"I want to collect some vegetables to sell to that auntie." She finally remembered the reason she came to the farm after playing with Aoi's fur.

She entered the working mode. She collected some wild vegetables. Collected after collecting, she had two baskets full of vegetables. Thank her daily training, she could lift up all of them. She decided to get out of the space.

"Bo Ya, I will leave first with Aoi." Yu Qi said to Bo Ya.

"I also wish to go out with you, Master." Bo Ya looked up at her with his teary eyes.

"If you were not bound to this space, I also would like to take you with me." She gently patted the little boy's head.

"It's okay, Master. Hurry up and go." Bo Ya said.

"Woof." Aoi came closer to Bo Ya and licked his hand.

"Take care of Master for me." Bo Ya reminded Aoi.

Yu Qi who listened to their conversation chucked. Not like she's going anywhere dangerous to make Bo Ya say that.

"Come, Aoi." She lifted Aoi and touched the two baskets. She made sure that all two baskets touched her hand. Then she closed her eyes. After she opened her eyes, she was already out of her space.

She looked at her watch. Five o'clock in the evening. That auntie's shop should still be open. She quickly got outside the mountain with the baskets and Aoi walking beside her.

"Yu Qi, what are you doing here?" A voice startled Yu Qi from behind. This voice belonged to that man.

Yu Qi turned around and saw a breathtaking Long Hui in his military uniform and several men. Aoi sensed that Yu Qi seemed afraid of that man making a low sound. Long Hui saw a puppy beside Yu Qi, a Siberian husky breed, making a growling sound toward Long Hui.

"Aoi, stay." A word from Yu Qi stopped Aoi's growl.

Long Hui was smiling when Yu Qi gave the order to that puppy. This was the first time he saw this puppy beside Yu Qi. He came closer to Yu Qi.

"What are you doing here, dear Yu Qi?" Long Hui asked again in a teasing tone.

The several men who came together with Long Hui were stunned when they heard Long Hui speak like that to the young girl.

"I...collected...some wild the market." A flustered Yu Qi answered.

Long Hui looked at the two baskets with Yu Qi. "Market? In the town?"


"How do you plan to bring them?"

"Huh? By lifting them." Yu Qi felt weird when Long Hui asked that question.

"By your own self?"


Long Hui narrowed his eyes. How can this girl carry the baskets walking to the market by herself? Long Hui sighed.

"I will send you in my vehicle."

"No. You don't have to. I will go by myself."

"My dear, did you know the market was 1.5 kilometers from here? How can you walk with the baskets?"

"But I can." Yu Qi protested. Being with this man was more dangerous.

"I will send you. No more protest."


"Why? Are you afraid of me?"

"What?!! Who are afraid of you? Fine, I will go with you."

Long Hui smiled when Yu Qi agreed to go with him. The angry face of Yu Qi was very cute and attracted him.

While Long Hui and Yu Qi were in their word battle, his subordinates were dumbfounded when they saw their major teasing the girl. First, he was smiling, then he was teasing the girl, and then he wanted to help the girl by sending her to the place she wanted to go. Is this their major? The cold major that hated women?

"You guys can continue. I will be right back." Long Hui gave instructions to his subordinates.

"Yes, sir."

They would get their lady boss sooner or later. Their Major was not gay. That was something to celebrate. They had silly smiles when they looked at Long Hui currently carrying the girl's basket.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko**

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...