Chapter 82: Do You Want Revenge?

Yu Qi was back in town. Ming Yue and Su Xiao wanted her to stay in the Tang House but the idea was rejected by Grandpa Tang. Grandpa Tang hated staying in FINN City. That's why he moved to the countryside.

He was from the town. The Godly Herbs were inherited by him from his master. Godly Herbs were the backbone of Tang Hospital. Without it, Tang Hospital would not stand right now.

Yu Qi also wanted to go back to the town. She still had unfinished matters. The town was more convenient for her. Whenever she wanted to bring something out of her space, the best place was the mountain which she used as an excuse.

This morning, she went to the land that she had bought near the lake with Aoi. She wanted to see the progress of the work. The workers already started the construction works on her mansion and the greenhouse at the same time as the hotel. The greenhouse was 80% completed.

She could not wait to see the complete greenhouse as she wanted to plant many kinds of plants in that greenhouse. She wanted to test whether the seeds from her space would give her the same outcome as in her space.

She went to the lake. The colour of the water in the lake here was very clear. It was not polluted yet. She walked close to the lake. The air was so nice.

'Master, there is someone there.' Aoi called informing her.



Yu Qi turned in the direction that Aoi showed. Yeah, there was someone who stood up near the lake. More likely, she wanted to jump inside the lake. Her guess happened to be true.

That person jumped into the lake. Yu Qi quickly ran to that place and jumped into the lake. She swam to that person. That person was already unconscious. She pulled that person onto the ground.

That person was a woman. She quickly performed CPR on the woman. 30 seconds later, the woman regained consciousness. She weakly opened her eyes.

"Why did you save me?" That woman did not look at Yu Qi. She just stared at the sky.

"Then let me ask you? Why did you want to commit suicide? Do you think when you commit suicide, that person would be sad? The answer is no." Yu Qi said while stabilizing her breath.

The woman kept quiet. Yu Qi recognized this woman. She was Chui Mei Fung. In her past life, this person was married to an ungrateful man. She supported that man in finance until he became successful.

Then, that man found another woman, confiscated her remaining money and divorced her without giving her any money the excuse that she was having an affair with another man.

Yu Qi heard she committed suicide but did not know how she did it. Now she knew it. Considering this situation, she had been divorced by that scum man already. She may not have any reason to live anymore. So, she wanted to suicide here. She was only 29 years old.

"How do you know about that?" Chui Mei Fung asked.

"Who does not know this? Everyone knows it." Yu Qi answered.

Chui Mei Fung bit her lips. Everyone knew her story. She had been called a slut by others who did not know the true story. Even the girl in front of her knew about that.

"If you knew it, why did you help me? You should let me die instead."

"I think with my brain, analyze the situation. Not with my ear and gossip." Yu Qi threw an insult at others.

Chui Mei Fung chuckled. She looked at the girl. This is Yu Qi, an orphan. This girl also had her story. Chui Mei Fung heard about this girl. This girl stood up against her adopted family.

"Do you want to make a deal with me?" Yu Qi suddenly asked that question. She had a nice idea for Chui Mei Fung.

"What kind of deal?" Chui Mei Fung could not help but be curious about this girl.

"Let's talk later. Can you walk?" Yu Qi stood up cleaning the sand on her wet clothes. She was getting cold.

"Yes." Chui Mei Fung also stood up.

"Let go. Aoi, we are going home. Come." Yu Qi called Aoi who was playing around.

Aoi quickly followed his master.


"Grandfather, can this person stay with us for a while?" Yu Qi asked her grandfather for permission first.

Grandpa Tang was shocked when he saw both of them all wet.

"Just take a shower first. You will get sick if you stay in those wet clothes any longer. Chu Xiao, show this lady to a guest room." Grandpa Tang waved his hand.

"I will talk about it later, grandfather." Yu Qi smiled at Grandpa Tang.

"Humph! If you don't want to talk, I will make you talk." Grandpa Tang smirked.

"Okay." Yu Qi and Aoi went to their room.

In the meantime, Chui Mei Fung followed Hang Chu Xiao to a room.

After the two of them took a shower and changed their clothes, Yu Qi asked Chui Mei Fung to follow her to the dining room. Grandpa Tang, Hang Chu Xiao and also Song Nan were there. Yu Qi sat, followed by Chui Mei Fung.

They ate dinner. The dinner was over. Now, Grandpa Tang sat waiting for the explanation. However, Yu Qi was not talking.

"Yu Qi dear, explain to me." Grandpa Tang was impatient.

"She wanted to die and I saved her." Yu Qi explained.

Grandpa Tang's lip twitched. Did this girl spend too much time with Tang Qin Hao? Why did she not explain properly?

"Explain in more detail."

"She was betrayed by her ex-husband. She wanted to kill herself by drowning in the lake. I saw it. So I saved her."


"I want to make some deal with her. So, I brought her here."

Yu Qi turned to the silent Chui Mei Fung. Chui Mei Fung unconsciously sat straight when she saw Yu Qi's eyes looking at her seriously. She wondered what kind of deal this girl wanted to make with her.

"Do you want revenge?"

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko**

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...