Chapter 84: Perfect Score Of All The Subjects

She walked in a daze to school. The result will be announced today. She felt tired and sleepy. Feng Yue helped her to walk in the right direction. If not, right now, maybe she would already lie in the middle of the road.

"What were you doing yesterday?" Feng Yue held Yu Qi's hand.

Using her other hand, Yu Qi closed her mouth when she was yawning.

"Just something." Yu Qi did not elaborate much.

The two of them walked into their classroom. Their classmates were already there. For almost 2 months, they hadn't seen each other. So, they greeted each other.

"Hi, Yu Qi, Feng Yue." Their classmates greeted them.

"Oh, hi guys." Feng Yue answered.

"Why do Yu Qi seem sleepy today?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe she always wakes up late since we don't have to go to school anymore?"

"No. I always saw her running in the morning."

"Really? Wow."

The person who had been discussed by others was sleeping with her head on the table. Feng Yue let her sleep. There was an hour before they all had to go to the school hall. They would be receiving their result of the exam and their graduating high school certificate.

Feng Yue woke Yu Qi up. Yu Qi got up and went to the ladies to wash her face. In the ladies, she saw her old enemy. Wang Fu Ya. Wang Fu Ya seemed a little bit slimmer. Yu Qi ignored Wang Fu Ya and casually washed her face.

"Yu Qi are you happy? After what you did to my family?" Wang Fu Ya faced her.

"I don't feel anything toward you guys." Yu Qi answered her coldly. Yes, she never felt anything toward the Wang Family because they were insignificant to her.

"What?" Wang Fu Ya retorted angrily. "You have destroyed my family. After you threw my father into prison. My mum had to work day and night. I also had to work."

"So, what? If you didn't have any ill intentions toward me, your family might still be okay. You guys brought it upon yourselves. Please don't blame me." Yu Qi replied in sarcasm.

"Yu Qi, what are you doing? We have to go to the school hall." Feng Yue nagged Yu Qi while entering the ladies.

Feng Yue saw Wang Fu Ya. She just looked at her and turned to Yu Qi.

"Are you done? Let's go." Feng Yue said ignoring Wang Fu Ya.

"Okay." Yu Qi finished up and followed Feng Yue out.

Wang Fu Ya was still inside the ladies grinding her teeth. She felt very angry. Yu Qi was just an orphan. Why was she very lucky? Why was she the one who got everything? It should be her.

"What were you talking about with that white lotus?" Feng Yue asked on the way to the school hall.

"She told me that I destroyed her family's happiness."

"Humph! She still has a face blaming you after what she did."

"Let her be. She cannot do anything either. Just let her roam around." Yu Qi smiled.

The school hall was full of students. They took their arranged seat. A few minutes later, the graduation ceremony began. It began with the Principal talk. Mr Principal seemed very excited in the students' view. Making the students wonder why Mr Principal looks like that.

Then, the teachers began to announce the top ten in the final exam. The student whose name had been called would go up to the stage, receiving their result. The student who had been called received clapping from the others.

Feng Yue's name had also been called. She was in fifth place. She went up, took her result and returned to her seat.

"Look Yu Qi. My score was better than the last time. With this result, I sure can choose a better university. Thank you, Yu Qi."

"My dear, it was your hard work. I just helped you a little."

"For the first place, I will announce her name. Before this, I want to tell you about this result. This result was not only first place in our school but it was first place in the nation. It was a perfect score for all the subjects. Congratulations to Miss Yu Qi. Come up to the stage." Mr Principal made the shocking announcement.

All the students were shocked by this. The first place in the nation. Perfect score for all the subjects meaning she got all of her answers correct without any single mistake. No wonder Mr Principal looked very excited. This news made their school famous.

Yu Qi walked up to the stage. Yu Qi was very calm while receiving her result. Mr Principal admired this student. This student was very calm while other students showed some joy on their faces when receiving their results.

Then the presentation of the graduation certificate began.  All the third-year students had been called by their names to go up to the stage and take their graduation certificates.

Yu Qi who was sleepy since this morning slept on Feng Yue's shoulder. When Feng Yue felt some kind of burden on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Yu Qi in a deep sleep until her name was called.

After the ceremony was finished, some of the teachers wanted to meet Yu Qi. Since this was the final day she was a student in this high school, she went to see the teachers. Some of the questions thrown by the teachers were about her choice of university.

"Have you made your choice about which university you want to go to?"

"Yes. I want to study at Starlight University."

"Why did you choose that university? You should choose the number one university, Hanwei University. With your result, you might get an offer from them."

"I want to study medical courses. Starlight University provides better facilities when it comes to medical courses."

"I see. You want to be a doctor. Yeah, that Starlight Univesity is the better choice when it comes to the medical."

"Hmm...Teachers, can I go now?"

"Yeah...Yeah...You can go now."

Yu Qi took a breath after stepping out of the staff room. She walked to her classroom.

"Guys, Yu Qi is here. Let's take a class photo." One of the students set up his camera and called all his classmates.

Feng Yue pulled Yu Qi to the group. They took two shoots. One a formal picture, another freestyle pictures.

"I will print it out for everyone two days later, okay."

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko**

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...