Chapter 92: Ask Permission

Yu Qi saw Long Hui walking away from her. Her heartbeat turned from chaos to normal. Her two aunties approached her with a weird smiles.

"Aunties, please don't smile like that." Yu Qi sighed when she saw Ming Yue and Su Xiao's smiles.

"Smile like what?" Su Xiao teased her.

"What were you talking about just now?" Ming Yue threw a question to Yu Qi.

Ming Yue and Su Xiao expected some nice answers from their niece.

"It's nothing. He just asked me what I'm doing here." Yu Qi answered.

That was not a satisfying answer for Ming Yue and Su Xiao. They expected that Long Hui would throw some hook and bait at Yu Qi.

Then Yu Qi continued, "He asked me to wait for him."

Ming Yue and Su Xiao's eyes lifted up. Yu Qi wanted to laugh seeing her aunties' reaction to her last sentence. They seemed to watch a love drama. However, the actress and actor were someone they knew.

"And then?" Su Xiao wanted to know next.

"I don't know what he wants to do." Yu Qi also wanted to know why he wanted her to wait for him there.


Long Hui walked following the girl who informed him about Gen Tao. Arrived at a room on the second floor, the girl knocked on the door. Someone answered and told them to enter the room. The girl opened the door and invited Long Hui to enter the room.

Entering the room, he saw the young man dressed in a blue suit. This young man seemed to be in his early twenties.

Long Hui walked to the sofa and sat on it without waiting for the young man to invite him to sit.

"Where is the item?" Long Hui got straight to the point.

"Huh! What a friend. Can we have a small talk here?" This young man was the man that Long Hui wanted to see, Gen Tao.

Gen Tao was a jewellery designer. He was the owner of the jewellery store.

"I have something important to do. I don't have time to talk to you." Long Hui was annoyed with Gen Tao.

Yeah, his beloved was waiting for him. He had to hurry up. Gen Tao seemed to love to see Long Hui's annoyed face.

"What is the important thing that you want to do?" Gen Tao smiled at Long Hui.

"Hurry up. My beloved is waiting for me right now." Even though he said it with a blank expression, when the word 'beloved' came out of his mouth, there was a gentle tone to it.

The word 'beloved' suddenly arose Gen Tao's interest. Made him more curious when it came from Long Hui.

"Who?" Gen Tao asked.

"Give me the item." Long Hui ignored the question from Gen Tao.

Gen Tao quickly gave the item that Long Hui requested. Long Hui said his beloved was waiting for him. So, she might be nearby. Gen Tao wanted to see who was the unlucky one who caught Long Hui's attention. He intended to follow Long Hui.

Long Hui grabbed the item and put it in his jacket. He stood up and left the room without saying anything else to Gen Tao. Gen Tao just let him be. He already knew Long Hui's character. Furthermore, he wanted to follow Long Hui.

Long Hui did not care about what Gen Tao thought. His beloved was more important. He thought he was wasting time with Gen Tao. He saw that Yu Qi was still browsing the jade section.

"Yu Qi." Long Hui called her.

"Yes?" Yu Qi turned to Long Hui.

"Can we go somewhere? Just the two of us." He highlighted the last sentence.

"But I was with my aunties."

"Okay." Long Hui left.

Yu Qi was dumbfounded. Long Hui gave up so fast. But she became more dumbfounded when she saw Long Hui talking to her two aunties.

Her aunties nodded with a smile. Then her aunties turned their view to her. They just lifted their fingers and made the sign 'OK'.

Long Hui went back to her. He was very quick in his way.

"I already obtained permission from your aunties to bring you with me." Long Hui smiled.

"Okay." Yu Qi just had to agree now because she did not have any excuses anymore.

Ming Yue and Su Xiao giggled when they saw the couple leaving the jewellery store. The way Long Hui came and asked their permission was very cool in their eyes. Making them think about their younger time.

Gen Tao who followed Long Hui was surprised to see Long Hui smiling sweetly at the girl. He felt that the girl was quite beautiful but still young. Maybe in high school. Where the heck did Long Hui find that girl? What made the Great Major Long Hui took a fancy to that girl? What was that girl's secret? Did she find his weakness and use it against him? A lot of questions appeared in Gen Tao's mind.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, that means it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko**

This chapter is edited by Tzin99... Thank you for your help...