Chapter 219: Interior Design For The Ryokan

After breakfast and saying goodbye to her grandfather, Yu Qi and Aoi left home. Today's destination was her ryokan. From yesterday's report that she got from Su Yu Hi, her ryokan was completed in its building. The next phase, which was the interior design was in progress. Su Yu Hi invited an interior designer to design interior space. Yu Qi wanted to talk to the interior designer first and told the idea of what she wanted for her ryokan.

Su Yu Hi already waiting for her in front of the building. When he saw Yu Qi arrived, Su Yu Hi came out of his car and greeted Yu Qi.

"Good morning, Yu Qi." 

"Good morning, Brother Yu Hi."

"Woof." Aoi also greeted Su Yu Hi.

"Oh, good morning." Su Yu Hi looked down at Aoi.

"Let's enter then." Su Yu Hi said.

Inside, there were two men and one woman. Looked like they were waiting for them.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Qian, Mrs. Wong." Su Yu Hi greeted them.